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12 volts relay switch

NathyNathy Posts: 2
edited 2008-11-10 07:52 in General Discussion
Hi everyone,

I have a Basic Stamp 2 and a board of education from parallax.
Im controlling multiple stepper motors and multiple limit switches with the basic stamp.And everything seems to be working fine with the program.
However, I need to turn ON-OFF an electromagnet that is 12 volts DC, so I added a 12 volts relay switch and I connected to an independent power supply of 12vols since the BS2 only works at 9 volts. and I only used a PIN IN/OUT of the BS. I used a resistor, transistor and diode in the circuit for the magnet, but I know I did something wrong because there is shortage that is causing that the BS program repeats after I make the relay switch LOW and also the BS is getting very warm.
The circuit that i built for the relay is here:

PLease help me I dont have any experience in this type of circuits and the only things I did is because I found it online

What type of circuit I should have to control a 12volts electromagnet with the basic stamp?
Should i use a 12volts relay? or a 5volts relays so I can connect it the Vdd and Vss of the basic stamp?
how can i provide power to the electromaget in such way that the BS does not get warm?

Do you know why is the program repeating after the electromagnet goes to LOW?

thanks alot and i look forward to getting all your help



  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2008-11-10 06:40
    Nuts and Volts Column #6 ( has a schematic for this on the last page.

    Usually noise or some other power supply problem will cause the supply voltage for the Stamp to drop below about 4.2V which will cause the Stamp to reset.

    The schematic that you posted is only a general diagram. What parts did you actually use and how did you connect them?
  • NathyNathy Posts: 2
    edited 2008-11-10 07:52
    Thank you Mike for the quick reply.

    I see the schematic, but how can I connect the 12Volts electromagnet to the relay?

    Does the ground of the magnet go the ground of the Basic Stamp?
    Is it true that I need to have a common ground between the Basic Stamp and the (Relay-Electromagnet)?

    I hope you can help me in this.

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