Blinking eyes
Check out my instructable
It's a simple but effective use of the BS2.
It's a simple but effective use of the BS2.
For many reasons it is preferable to have Completed Projects posted here rather than links to external projects. Off site links mean forum members have to go to a different site to see the project and be subjected to the advertisements and formatting of that site. It also means that to ask questions on the project they have to do it here, while referring to something not here. I can’t even tell at first glance if a schematic or source code for your project is available. Just some things to consider.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
Basically, all he was asking was for you to attach the picture on the intro, the diagram on step 2, and the code on step 3 on this forum as well in the instructable.
Kind of a neat little project.