Upgrading from a BS2 to a BS2E . how to use the banked memory?
Hey Guys.
I have out grown my BS2 and need more memory space. So I figured I would upgrade to a BS2E but I found that the BS2e used banked memory and I would have to rewrite my code to take advantage of that. Can someone point me in the correct direction on how to do that with my program? I have included a copy of my program.
Mike WA3O
I have out grown my BS2 and need more memory space. So I figured I would upgrade to a BS2E but I found that the BS2e used banked memory and I would have to rewrite my code to take advantage of that. Can someone point me in the correct direction on how to do that with my program? I have included a copy of my program.
Mike WA3O

As for using the multiple slots, the commands is Run X
The trick is everytime you enter a slot, it starts from the top and runs down, just like you rebooted the stamp, so you need to put in some conditional pointers at the top.
Example, use a varaible
X var byte
Select x
case 0
goto main
case 2
goto othersub
end select
yadda yadda
run 1
do more stuff
pause 500
goto Main
do some stuff
run 0
Just glancing over your code, I think you could debug in the DTMF varaible, then run slot 1, then place all the lookup code in slot 1, then since all those subs appear to "goto main" at the end, just dump it back into slot 0.
If you needed to skip all the initilization stuff the second time around, set a bit variable and "if bit = 1 goto main" above all the initilization, and "bit = 1" at the end of the initilization.
Also keep in mind, the variables are the same in all slots, so you have to decalre them in the same order in every slot or you will screw them up. I just copy and paste my varaible decs into all slots used to avoid problems.
Post Edited (GICU812) : 11/7/2008 12:01:22 AM GMT
I am still a little confused about the bank to bank programming but when I get the BS2E I will play with some small programs first.
On another note I have had some weird stuff happen to this BS2 ...it will work perfectly then out of the blue it will start adding digits. I reprogram it and it still happens?.....then I will reprogram it with a VERY old program and it is well for a little while...is there a BS2 program to "clear" it?....do I have something programed bad and its keeping somthing in the pointers or memory?
Thanks for the help
Mike WA3O
-Stephanie Lindsay
Editor, Parallax Inc.
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