Could it be true?
Hi everybody, i'm new here.
I'm looking for some information about the robot you can see in this youtube's link:
Can anybody help me understand if this is true or false?
The video looks amazing to me but i never heard about italian robotic technology.
I heard something about the japanese but never about italians...
Could you answer to the title's question?
I'm looking for some information about the robot you can see in this youtube's link:
Can anybody help me understand if this is true or false?
The video looks amazing to me but i never heard about italian robotic technology.
I heard something about the japanese but never about italians...
Could you answer to the title's question?
Andiamo, Italia! In bocca al lupo!
·"If you build it, they will come."
I can't be sure, but the videos and the whole site ( seem just fake.
There is also a video where the "robot" solves the Rubik cube in 3 seconds.
In the site there is no information about the research center which developed it. The site does not contain any useful technical info, and it is not even available an English version.
I am italian and I have read also the interviews to the "Engineers" of the company.
Here is an example (my translation from page ):
Question: How many degrees of freedom has this robot?
Answer: Bit Beat has a complete freedom of movement, a goal we reached after years of study and development.
I think no real robotic expert would give such an answer. Of course, this is just my personal opinion.
This does not mean that Italian robotics projects are not advanced: see for example this humanoid robot, which is built by a company in Dubai, whose project leader is an Italian engineer.
I post my vote for "Faked".
Rates as bad as the infrared video someone did on YouTube, claiming it was someone passing gas, except the gas cloud, was cold (Black) instead of white (Warm), and too concentrated a stream to be passing through cloth (pants) (turned out to be a can of dusting gas (tetraflouroethane.))
Post Edited (gelfling6) : 11/13/2008 11:38:57 PM GMT
"When in doubt, use C4" - Jamie Hyneman, Myth Buster
The intro video shows you how they did it with CGI overlays on live action.
How did I find out?
The address is on the YouTube videos!
The videos must be adverts for whatever the makers or BitBeat do.