BS2..QTI sensors and Infrared headlights
I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to use the QTI line sensors and the infrared headlights at the same time. I cannot figure a way to hook them both up due to lack of room. Basically I need to make the bot follow a line and when the infrared detects the wall it will stop, do what it needs to do, do a 180 and repeat the process. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

- Stephen
It only requires 4 pins for 4 sensors instead of the 6 pins used in the three sensor setup.
Post Edited (ur5pointos2slo) : 11/6/2008 1:30:06 PM GMT
A good description is in the Editor help file under the "Elements of PBASIC Style".
Post Edited (MSDTech) : 11/7/2008 3:05:48 AM GMT