Vex Transmitter Decoder Object
John Abshier
Posts: 1,116
The attached Spin object decodes the pulses from a Vex Transmitter.· Outputs for analog, joystick, channels are uSeconds or scaled values.· The buttons return high, low or off.· This version runs in the cog that calls it and can lock the cog if there is no signal (transmitter off)· and will lock the cog 100 percent of the· time if the receiver is not conntected to the Prop.· I am working on a second version that runs in a separate cog with the ability to detect that the cog is locked so one can stop and restart the cog.
Thanks to Jon Williams for the SX/B inspiration and to Martin Hebel for the Pulsin routine.
John Abshier
Thanks to Jon Williams for the SX/B inspiration and to Martin Hebel for the Pulsin routine.
John Abshier
Cool, I picked up one of these for $30 a few months ago, but never got around to writing a decoder object.
Much appreciated!
EDIT: They still have some in stock.
Post Edited (Bergamot) : 11/6/2008 9:44:09 PM GMT
John Abshier