GET - PUT with BS2pe

I'm trying to write a gps sentence to my usb mem. stick.
First i write it into the scratchpad ram with this code:
Is it possible to write the whole SPRAM into the USBstick in one string? or do i have to read each byte of the SPRAM and write it into the stick?
I'm trying to write a gps sentence to my usb mem. stick.
First i write it into the scratchpad ram with this code:
SERIN GPSpin,Baud,2000, No_GPS_Data,[noparse][[/noparse]WAIT("$GPRMC"),SPSTR 64]
Is it possible to write the whole SPRAM into the USBstick in one string? or do i have to read each byte of the SPRAM and write it into the stick?
2) You could use SPSTR to write the GPS string from the scratchpad ram
3) I don't know how large the buffer is inside the Vinculum chip, but that may limit how much data can be written at a time. The firmware manual for the Vinculum chip may have that information.
I decided to write the sentence into the eeprom first, to avoid many writings to the usb stick.
i need max 64 bytes for one sentence. One eeprom bank memory is 2048 bytes.
So i can use 32 sentences in one bank.
Here i store 32 times (0-31) a sentence into the eeprom (bank 1)
As you can see i make a loop to read the bytes from SPRAM
can it be done more easier? i mean, reading 51 bytes in one command?
This command is not working: GET 0,SPSTR 51
If the string is 64 bytes,
Tracy Allen
I tried that too earlier, but forgot to count the CR·LF chars to count.
But it works now.