Parallax DC-16 information wanted
A friend gave me a great hulking box of Stamp stuff, which is how I happen to be here.· Among the items in the box was a DC-16 output expander.· I'm unable to find anything about it on the Parallax web site.
I infer that it's an output expander that controls (through ULN2803s) sixteen output lines.· But I haven't found anything that tells how to use it.· Has anyone a manual for this device, perhaps in PDF form?· I'd be grateful to receive such a document.· Thanks!
· -- Carl, nn5i
I infer that it's an output expander that controls (through ULN2803s) sixteen output lines.· But I haven't found anything that tells how to use it.· Has anyone a manual for this device, perhaps in PDF form?· I'd be grateful to receive such a document.· Thanks!
· -- Carl, nn5i
· -- Carl, nn5i
That's downright clever, what they've done there, using DTR and RTS as sources of the + and - voltages for RS-232.· I don't know that I would have thought of that.
· -- Carl, nn5i