Dual-axis Accelerometer w/ Boe-Bot
I am building a simple project with the Dual-axis Accelerometer and Boe-Bot. I connected the Accelerometer to a breadboard which was connected to the Boe-Bot via wires. The program senses which way the Accelerometer is tilted and the Boe-Bot turnes that way. So if you tilted the breadboard that has the Accelerometer on it forward the Boe-Bot would move forward, ect.
But the wires that connect the Boe-Bot with the breadboard really get in the way and get tangled up. I have been trying to think of a way that I could·get rid of them and use Infrared or some communication device... Any ideas?
Any help would be readily excepted!!
Dan Taylor
But the wires that connect the Boe-Bot with the breadboard really get in the way and get tangled up. I have been trying to think of a way that I could·get rid of them and use Infrared or some communication device... Any ideas?
Any help would be readily excepted!!
Dan Taylor
You have serveral options: IR would be the cheapest, easiest and most unreliable. Otherwise, you could use RF transmitters and recievers, including a bluetooth module. So, it's how much you want to spend and how reliable and easy you want it to be.
Dan Taylor
Dan Taylor