Wiring a 5th servo to a Boe-Bot
I bought the boebot setup and want to put the guts in another project. Ive programmed for years but never done robots. The issue I have is not with the simple language but the hard wiring. I want a 5th and 6th servo yet there is no place to plug them in on the default board. So my question is where can I find the documentation to wire in more servos? I looked all over and I'm at a loss. Thanks in advance!
Post Edited (jbyers) : 11/3/2008 4:55:45 PM GMT
Post Edited (jbyers) : 11/3/2008 4:55:45 PM GMT
Keep in mind that servos can draw quite a lot of current (over 1A each when under load) and you'll need an appropriate battery pack for them (usually 6V or maybe 7.2V). The power source for the BOE has to have the same ground as the power source for the servos. Connect them together.
The control of the servos will be connected to a Stamp I/O pin, again, as you noted. Do the Stamp and the servos need to share a common ground? Or is the _only_ connection between the Stamp and a servo through that white or yellow wire going to the I/O pin?
Sorry to shout, I just wanted to be clear.
Post Edited (allanlane5) : 11/3/2008 5:53:27 PM GMT
Thanks for putting up with a repeat question.
Edit: Oops - did Mike already answer it? And I just bleeped right past that part of his answer? My mistake.
Post Edited (sylvie369) : 11/3/2008 5:03:33 PM GMT
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering