Read Frequency generated by freqout with count and pulse.
Hello, I am trying to see if I can read a frequency generated by freqout with the pulsin and count command.
I generate the frequency (around 440 Hz) and the piezo speaker sound and I connect it to another input pin to see if there is a count value for it but I dont get any. Also, how can pulsin help me?
Thank and I hope to get an answer.
I generate the frequency (around 440 Hz) and the piezo speaker sound and I connect it to another input pin to see if there is a count value for it but I dont get any. Also, how can pulsin help me?
Thank and I hope to get an answer.
The Stamp is a single threaded device. It can only do one thing at a time. You are attempting to do two things at a time - output a signal AND inspect it. With two Stamps you could do it, but not with one. You'd be much better off with an oscilloscope to view the output if that was what you were trying to do.
Bruce Bates
When all else fails, try inserting a new battery.
Post Edited (Bruce Bates) : 11/3/2008 6:30:20 AM GMT
It looks that they are using an opamp to square off the signal and amplify it for the BS2 to read it. However, there are some RC filters explained and this confuses me with the schematics presented in that forum. Can you help me relate both of these?
PS: I am attaching the schematic and also the RC filter is:
Here is a table based on the values for E6 to E1
Hz C R Frequency Range
E6 82.41 .1uF 19.313K 67-110
A5 110.00 .1uF 14.468K 90-150
D4 146.00 .1uF 10.901K 124-178
G3 196.00 .1uF 8.120K 171-245
B2 246.94 .1uF 6.470K 178-324
E1 329.63 .1uF 4.837K 276-398
High Pass Filter Low Pass Filter
Input >---o----[noparse][[/noparse]Cap]-->......>---o----[noparse][[/noparse]Res]--> Output
| |
[noparse][[/noparse]Res] [noparse][[/noparse]Cap]
| |
GND >---o
What are the >.....> refer to?