One More Stupid Question, Please. . .about the servos.
I put the first boe-bot together fine. No real problems. When I put the second one together, I thought it was going to be easier.·
Well, I found out the the florescent bulbs in my house have fixed it were I will NEVER be able to use IR for detection. This was not good. But, I said "ok."· You have to learn to accept things you cannot change. Until I move into another house (unlikely), I am stuck with this fact.
Moving right along, I cannot get the datalogger to work properly. But, I still have some more sugestions from this forum to try. So, I am still optimistic on this one.
But, When I pulse my Pingservo, it just goes to one location and vibrates.· And when I tell the bot to go forward, it runs right servo forward and left servo backwards. I guess I could plot out the exact points on the servo and change them, but what have I done wrong?· I wired all of this up the same.· I probably made a mistake. But, I have read hundreds of books and everything is getting out of focus now.·
This is my brain . . . . This is my brain on Bots. .......
No, seriously, I am probably doing something wrong.
Thanks for letting me bend your ear to listen to my stupid question.
I have BIG plans for both bots, but I am having problems just getting them to do the standard stuff.
Well, I found out the the florescent bulbs in my house have fixed it were I will NEVER be able to use IR for detection. This was not good. But, I said "ok."· You have to learn to accept things you cannot change. Until I move into another house (unlikely), I am stuck with this fact.
Moving right along, I cannot get the datalogger to work properly. But, I still have some more sugestions from this forum to try. So, I am still optimistic on this one.
But, When I pulse my Pingservo, it just goes to one location and vibrates.· And when I tell the bot to go forward, it runs right servo forward and left servo backwards. I guess I could plot out the exact points on the servo and change them, but what have I done wrong?· I wired all of this up the same.· I probably made a mistake. But, I have read hundreds of books and everything is getting out of focus now.·
This is my brain . . . . This is my brain on Bots. .......
No, seriously, I am probably doing something wrong.
Thanks for letting me bend your ear to listen to my stupid question.
I have BIG plans for both bots, but I am having problems just getting them to do the standard stuff.
You see, the instructions have you mount the servo's in "mirror image" to each other on the BOE Bot. So, to have them both turn "forward", you have to command one to turn "left" while the other turns "right".
This is one of those really un-obvious things that happens early on. You'll get it.
Have you adjusted the servos to set the "zero point"? If you send a 1500uS pulse to the servos, do they both stop? If they are both moving forward, but one is moving faster than the other, the bot will do a slow circle.
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Pick up the Bot. Turn the Bot so you're looking at the right side, with the front of the bot pointing to your right.
See, if you look at the right side of the Bot, in order to turn "forward" (clockwise), the servo has to rotate to the right.
Now, turn the bot so you're looking at the LEFT side, with the front of the bot pointing to your left.
If you look at the LEFT side of the bot, in order to turn "forward" (counter-clockwise, because you're looking at the LEFT side now) the servo has to rotate to the LEFT.
Thus, you can't use the same number for the right servo as the left servo. If you do, both wheels will spin "in the same direction" (both right, or both left) and the bot will rotate in a circle.
If I remember correctly to center them, I gave them a 750 .