4 wire hard drive motor driver
Im trying to make a clock out of old hard drive spindle motor it has 4 wires red white black green. All of the 10 or so drives that I have stop spinning after 2 or 3 sec. then have to power up agin. And 1 turns the wrong way. I found a lot about them on Google but no real driver for them some say you use to H-bridges. I looked up the chips on 1 controller board and it has a h-bridge going to the motor. thanks fo any help.
These message should probably help you, but you may have to join the Yahoo Group in which they're contained. The message summary looks real good. Here it is:
Bruce Bates
When all else fails, try inserting a new battery.
I could be wrong but every HardDrive that I have ever played w/ used a stepper motor.I know it seems unlikely to spin a stepper @ 7500RPM's, But I have a lot of used HardDrives in my junk box and every one of them has a stepper on them.In fact most have the driver attch. to the motor itself.If We stop and think of what is req. of A HardDrive it seems apparent.Even though its buffered on the input/output it still has to get close to a div. bus speed or the I/O buffer would need to be huge.....This is just a thought and I could be wrong....But please drop a post reply on what You find and end up w/.....
____________________________________$WMc%___________________Thinking Positve_________
Post Edited (be80be) : 11/4/2008 11:09:36 PM GMT
Have You looked at the signals w/ a MultiChannel scope? and then try to revers Eng. the controller???? W/ the one usable controller You have??? And did You mean SATA Drive????
______if it was easy we would be doeing something esle like that " honeydo " list___________________$WMc%_____________