Monitoring Hall Sensors for BLDC
I am trying to figure out how to get the BASIC Stamp to be able to monitor hall sensors on a brushless DC motor in order to control its speed.· These sensors are changing at a very fast rate and was wondering how to constantly calculate the RPM on the motor that I am driving through these hall sensors from the microcontroller.· From my experience with the stamp I have been unable to actually contiunually monitor something else while running other code so if anyone has experience with this or knows how to handle this, help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks again
Then, of course, you measure your varying voltage with the Stamp however you wish, perhaps with an ADC, and the Stamp doesn't have to stay with it, but instead can come take a quick look whenever you want it to.
· -- Carl, nn5i
Have You·looked @ the MLX90217 Hall-Effect sensor from Melexis? It has all the stuff Mr.Hayes spoke of and is in a tiny "to-92" style case "UA". Take a look @ in the Parallax store under sensors. Don't forget the Magnet...p.s. thiers some sample code too.
· -- Carl, nn5i
· -- Carl, nn5i
The link is a mile long and I can't remmeber how to send the link to the forums, But if You plug p# "605-00005" in the search window it will take You rite to it.
I have used this hall-sensor w/ great results. Also I don't think it was just 1 Engineer that came up w/ this tiny chip....
$4.99 + s/h
The lack of interrupts is the greatest hindrance to use of the Stamp in many applications, I think. Alas. The Propeller provides a partial solution by -- apparently -- using a multiprogramming dispatcher to emulate a multiprocessor, so you can pay attention to as many as eight processes at once; but interrupts would be simpler and better. The absence of a timer is another liability in the Stamp, only somewhat alleviated by external timer chips (can't measure an interval in microseconds, for example). But we can't have everything, and the Stamp is surprisingly able for the era in which it was introduced. I'm having fun with Stamps, and designing some stuff I think is neat. That's because a friend gave me a huge box of Stamp stuff to play with.
· -- Carl, nn5i
While the BS2's don't offer interrupts and I have gone so long w/ out them, I have learned not to use them.Back in the day Interrupts disrupted to much other code any way.I really don't know how I would use an interrupt now in 2008????. The BS2's have scratch pad RAM MEM and this can be used to buffer the "count" value.Yes it will need a subrutin to get it and clear the buffer before it overflows,But it can be done. Along w/ some other trick code ;this Isn't a hard to task. The Propeller is BAD TO THE BONE , But this is the BS2's forums
I recomand looking for a way to buffer the value of Your Hall-sensor,No matter what it is .Then simply call the Buffer for the vaule
If You can come up w/ some Hardware Drawings on what You've ended up w/ ..,post them as a jpeg"image", Keep posting this thread and We/US/I will help You!!!!!
· -- Carl, nn5i
It's good being retired.· I can play with my toys as much as I want -- and take all the naps I want, too.
· -- Carl, nn5i
· -- Carl, nn5i
Do You have the motor "IN HAND" ???, or are You still lookin to purchase A motor????....w/ out the spec's on the motor/Hall-sensor
Combo It's hard to give any help....This sounds like an audio project or maybe a laser ? head????......If You can send some " motor/hall sensor" info ...Or the App. You intend to use w/ this motor/Hall senor combo, ...........It will help You to Advace in Your project ....