Can't seem to get the data logger working
Sorry, Guys!
·· I have hooked everything verbatim the way the PDF file said.· It is wired 100% correct. I did it six times.· Next, when I turn it on, the data logger blinks red and then green for a few seconds. Then it stays red and the usb memory device goes green.
·· When I hook up a usb to the usb/serial connector, it blinks red and then green and stays green.
··· when I run the demo and test programs, they initialize and then say "synchroizing. . ." forever.
··· It was suggested that I reflash the chip on the datalogger with the new bios. I tried that, but how can you flash something that is not showing up for you to get to?
··· I have tried two different usb jump drives of different manufactors.
··· I am at a loss. Any help would be apreciated and thanks in advance.
··· Oh, I am using this with a boebot with a BasicStamp2px24 and a Board of Education Serial RevC.
I don't know what I am doing wrong???
·· I have hooked everything verbatim the way the PDF file said.· It is wired 100% correct. I did it six times.· Next, when I turn it on, the data logger blinks red and then green for a few seconds. Then it stays red and the usb memory device goes green.
·· When I hook up a usb to the usb/serial connector, it blinks red and then green and stays green.
··· when I run the demo and test programs, they initialize and then say "synchroizing. . ." forever.
··· It was suggested that I reflash the chip on the datalogger with the new bios. I tried that, but how can you flash something that is not showing up for you to get to?
··· I have tried two different usb jump drives of different manufactors.
··· I am at a loss. Any help would be apreciated and thanks in advance.
··· Oh, I am using this with a boebot with a BasicStamp2px24 and a Board of Education Serial RevC.
I don't know what I am doing wrong???
Also, have you made sure that the USB Drive format was a FAT?
·· I believe the baud rate is 396 which comes out to 9600 baud. I looked at that in the terminal screen. It said 396 and the baud was set to 11,200 or something like that. But, that was from the Computer to the boebot, and it was darkened so I could not change it. In the code going to the datalogger, it was 396.· Good point. But, I think that part is right.
··· :-)
It is funny. Most of my problems seem to have stemmed from baud rate. I am a guy who in the 70's and 80's hand wired all of the modem and telecommunication equipment at different baud rates. I know how important it is, I just overlooked it.
I will be right back . . . . . .
I'll Be right back!
I've found the datalogger very difficult to use. It seems to work okay once you get it setup properly and running, but getting it to work in the first place is the kicker. However, the service that it provides is invaluable, so that's why I still use it. Here are a couple of threads from when I was having problems.
Thread 1
Thread 2
Thanks, I will read this.
Anyway, I've found that I have to spend 1/3 to 1/2 of my time fiddling with the Datalogger, just trying different things and comparing it to the test code.
When I first started, with the suggestions on the forum, I got it to finally synchronize ,but that was it. It went further, but, now it is hung again. Please help!!!
The data logger asked for these pins to be assigned:
1.· ground
2.··RTS· Ready to Send
3.· +5vdc
4.· RXD Recieve Data
5.· TXD Transmitt DATA
6.· CTS· Clear to Send
Now, on my· BS2px I have:
1· Sout ( from Receive Data) RXD
2. SIN· (from Transmitt DATA) TXD
3. ATN (attention from DTR)
But, there is no place to put·both pins CTS and RTS.
Am I making myself· clear?·· At some point, it sorta worked, but I am dead in the water now.· I am·using the programs demo and test· and datalogger.bpx to test it with. I am changing the baud rate to the proper br.
You need to be careful when you remove the thumbdrive, you could corrupt the data and possibly its formatting.· So, heads up.
The pins and connections are clearly presented in the Datalogger documentation as well as the "preamble" in the program (DataloggerTestV1.1.bs2):
pin· 8 out
pin· 9 out
pin 10 in
pin 11 in
Post Edited (PJ Allen) : 11/1/2008 7:59:12 PM GMT
Thank Both of you for your help.
Thank Both of you for your help.
396 is 2400bps for a BS2.··396 is·not an established·value for a -2px, I'm sure that it works out to something, but, whatever.
Post Edit -- Y'know, some of us have a hard time telling the -2sx color from the -2px color in the PBASIC Help.·
Post Edited (PJ Allen) : 11/1/2008 7:58:37 PM GMT
I tried the other program the Demo one. It finds it, synchronizes it, then writes to the file and closes the file. Then opens the file. But, it stops when it cannot read back the data it wrote.
I feel I am close.
Moviemaker, in an earlier post today you menioned ATN (dtr). That pin should not be involved in the connection to the datalogger. Do you understand now how the connections have to match the ones in the programs? I sense confusion. Maybe the attached diagram would help, with pins corresponding to the test and demo programs.
Edit1 be sure you follow the diagrams in the Parallax documentation carefully. For the record, I copy that here. Compare to the above diagram.
Edit2: corrected the name of the stamp p11, now cts.
Tracy Allen
Post Edited (Tracy Allen) : 11/1/2008 8:33:23 PM GMT
I have it wired verbatim of the way it is in the book.
I noticed that you had TWO· (9 and 11) going to rts. Is this right?
Post Edited (MovieMaker) : 11/1/2008 7:37:21 PM GMT
Post Edit -- [noparse][[/noparse]Life is hard.· Like when your girlfriend says she has 'hazel' eyes and you think they're ", or something?"· [noparse]:)[/noparse] ]
Post Edited (PJ Allen) : 11/1/2008 8:01:35 PM GMT
thanks again!
TX PIN 8 ' Transmit Data --> 27937.4 (RXD)
RTS PIN 9 ' Request To Send --> 27937.6 (CTS)
RX PIN 10 ' Receive Data <-- 27937.5 (TXD)
CTS PIN 11 ' Clear To Send <-- 27937.2 (RTS)
with same settings, it opens up drive d: datalogger and writes to a file. But, when it reads, it cannot find anything.
All other settings have not worked at all. They just get hung on synchronizing or initializing.
I bought a second bot so I could be more compatible. I have taken a stock datalogger and wired everything verbatim the way the book says. The ONLY thing that is different is that I have a BS2px chip. I just wanted more capabilities. It seems it would work if I would wire it exactly how they say.
Thanks P.J.
Stamp p11 is CTS, which is an input that comes from the RTS output pin on the datalogger. Note in the software that TX\CTS always appear together in a SEROUT command to the datalogger. TX is the pin that the Stamp uses to transmit data to the datalogger, which receives it on its RXD pin. Just as complementary, RTS is an output from the datalogger to the CTS input on the Stamp, and it is the flow control signal that tells the Stamp that the data logger is ready to receive data. The RTS (datalogger) to CTS (stamp) connection will normally rest at a high level, because the datalogger is almost always ready to receive more data. It has an internal asynchronous serial buffer.
Stamp p9 is RTS, which is an output that goes to the CTS input pin on the datalogger. Note in the software that RX\RTS always appear together in a SERIN command to receive data from the datalogger. Complementary again, RTS is an output from the Stamp to the CTS input on the datalogger, and it is the flow control signal that tells the datalogger that the Stamp is ready to receive data. The datalogger will not send data to the Stamp unless it finds that connection to be at a HIGH level. The RTS (stamp) to CTS (datalogger) connection will normally rest at a LOW level, because the Stamp is only ready to receive data when it is actually executing a SERIN command. There are conditions where your program may have to set RTS to a high level outside of a SERIN command, to fool the datalogger into thinking that the Stamp is ready to receive even though it isn't. And the RTS (stamp) to CTS (datalogger) flow control timing is not perfect, and problems can occur. But those are not issues that should concern you at all in making the Test and Demo programs work.
Tracy Allen