Any temperature suggestions?
I would like to read a temperature of 225 to 275 degrees F and control a 110 voult heater to maintain a temperature set between that range. Naturally, I would like to use the basic stamp and perhaps mounted on the Board of Education. Any suggestions?
And here:
Post Edited (Duffer) : 10/28/2008 11:58:18 PM GMT
You can get an water or oil temperature sender for an automotive application, which will have a resistance proportional to the temperature. You can RCTIME that resistance for a measurement, then have the Stamp switch a relay or SSR to control your heater.
OR... just use a $1.50 LM339 quad comparator as a controller. Set it & forget it. And save your Stamp for funner things, like robots!
·"If you build it, they will come."