Does the BS2sx Float pins?
When the bs2sx microcontroller pin logic is "0" is it floating?
Is a pulldown resistor necessary for the bs2sx?
I am driving a NPN transistor as a switch for a relay with one of my pins and have a protection diode in the circuit but wonder if I should be using a pulldown resistor to ensure·the pin is grounded when it is not on.
How can there be·nothing? Nothing is something!
When the bs2sx microcontroller pin logic is "0" is it floating?
Is a pulldown resistor necessary for the bs2sx?
I am driving a NPN transistor as a switch for a relay with one of my pins and have a protection diode in the circuit but wonder if I should be using a pulldown resistor to ensure·the pin is grounded when it is not on.
How can there be·nothing? Nothing is something!
You generally need a pulldown (or pullup) resistor for the 3rd case, when the I/O pin is set to input mode (the default after a reset).
If you're using an NPN (or PNP) transistor, you probably don't need a pulldown (or pullup) resistor since bipolar transistors are current controlled and there's no current present when the I/O pin is set to input mode. If you're using an MOSFET, you will need a pulldown (or pullup) because these are voltage controlled and nearby voltages can induce a voltage in the high impedance input circuitry attached to the MOSFET causing it to conduct.
I'd always add a pulldown. It is lkely unnecessary at the power levels we're talking about, especially if the transistor is a robust type, but it's cheap insurance. I have seen adding one radically increase MTBF, years ago when I was designing medical lab equipment that had a lot of relays (and other solenoids) controlled by bipolars.
· -- Carl
What you say is interesting, though, I was not aware of these transient effects. And "always adding a pull-down" couldn't hurt.
Thanks for the information. I've always thought about the sorts of effects you mentioned as something for high power / high frequency / etc. applications and not for the garden variety "turn on a small relay" or "control a small DC motor". The effect on MTBF is something I hadn't expected.
Carl you made my brain hurt!!!!
I really wish I could find a way to go to electronics school.
I work nights 50 hours a week and have no time for school right now which really sucks a bucket of rusty nails.
Thanks for you guys generosity.
How can there be·nothing? Nothing is something!
Post Edited (beazleybub) : 10/27/2008 3:29:30 PM GMT
· -- Carl, nn5i