How To SMS From PINK
Posts: 40
How I send SMS using the PINK.
This may be common knowledge to many, but useful to those who may not be aware of how to SMS from the PINK.
Email is great, but in many cases it is not timely enough for a security design or other event you want to be aware of in almost realtime.
To send SMS using the PINK, in this example for AT&T, set the NB_varET which is the e-mail TO address to:
Here are the mail domains for other carriers.
Nextel --
Verizon -- ·
T-Mobil --
Sprint --
This may be common knowledge to many, but useful to those who may not be aware of how to SMS from the PINK.
Email is great, but in many cases it is not timely enough for a security design or other event you want to be aware of in almost realtime.
To send SMS using the PINK, in this example for AT&T, set the NB_varET which is the e-mail TO address to:
Here are the mail domains for other carriers.
Nextel --
Verizon -- ·
T-Mobil --
Sprint --
This is exactly how my Alarm System alerts me of events. Of course, it requires the e-mail server connected to the PINK to support plain text e-mail authentication (or not require authentication). Unfortunately as a sign of the times I have been getting e-mail from AT&T lately (for a few months now) saying they’ve noticed I haven’t been using ‘secure settings’ for my e-mail and that I need to change them immediately to continue to be able to send e-mail. It only happens when the PINK module sends an e-mail, which is rarely, but eventually it may not work. In any event by sending e-mail to my vtext address I get a text message on my Cell Phone and that is a nice feature. Of course, my own experience is that many of Verizon’s text messages end up in the void, but I digress.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
I've got two more ISP's that just shut it down, and I really don't link not getting updates from two of my remote sites.
It is of course something we’re looking at. But we wouldn’t have any kind of target date when we might be able to get it implemented. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
Or was this for smtp/pop email?
What's the best thing to do in a lightning storm? "take a one iron out the bag and hold it straight up above your head, even God cant hit a one iron!"
Lee Travino after the second time being hit by lightning!
You are correct…normal (plain text) authentication is built into the current firmware however SSL is not. I think I assumed he meant SSL since as soon as we got the plain text authentication we have been asked for SSL support, which also usually goes hand in hand with changing the SMTP port. That is something we’re looking at. So John, if you have an older firmware you can contact our Tech Support about having it sent in for an upgrade. Take care, and thanks for noticing my missed point Steve.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
Changing the port would be nice too, changing the port of the webserver would also be a great help.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
For most applications, if there was a way to select the e-mail and HTTP ports that the PINK uses, it would resolve MANY remote access/ISP issues, and then SSL might not even be needed.
Follow me on this, many consumer ISP's are requering SSL for e-mail login, and they block the standard ports for e-mail and HTTP preventing people from running their own mail/web servers.
If you could select the port address on the PINK, there are many services ( comes to mind) that offer alternate port e-mail, without SSL.
Kills two birds with one stone...
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering