Auto answer a phone line after so many rings?
Anyone have a good circuit and code for a BS2 to answer a pone line after it rings?
Mike WA3O
Anyone have a good circuit and code for a BS2 to answer a pone line after it rings?
Mike WA3O
With a quick search on the internet, I found this circuit.·
I remember that there was an IC for ring detection several years ago but I don't recall the part number.
·Thanks so much that is just what I was looking for... I did a search also and came up woth very little
·now to write some code·to key the relays to pass the audio and take the phone off of the hook
Mike Wa3O
I'll try to include a schematic of the ring detector.
The relay is a Magnecraft W117SIP-18
Nothing special about the other stuff.
· -- Carl
· -- Carl