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JBot confusion

bxgirtenbxgirten Posts: 79
edited 2008-10-26 18:20 in General Discussion
In Chapter 07.pdf of the JBot manual (page 6 of 22) it tries to explain the use of a DAC circuit. Since there are no pictures, I'm not exactly sure about the pin connections.

Is the Ir LED connected to the DAC circuit between the resistor and capacitor? If so, is it also connected to the pin assigned to PWM.

I'm trying to use a right and left combo just like the example in Robotics! but since the BoeBot doesn't use DAC like the Javelin I'm confused about the pin connections.



  • Peter VerkaikPeter Verkaik Posts: 3,956
    edited 2008-10-26 02:18
    DAC out o
    ··························· |·········|
    ··························+ |·········|
    ·························· === 10uF··\ /·IR LED
    ··························· |········---
    ··························· |········ |
    ··························· V GND···· |
    ····································· |
    PWM out o

    regards peter
  • bxgirtenbxgirten Posts: 79
    edited 2008-10-26 18:20
    Thank you, Peter. That clears things up quite a bit.
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