Use the basic stamp to control a motor
Om i have a basic stamp BS2 abd i need it to drive a motor.· I found a schematic in thr Mircrocontroller cookbook and i decided to use a IP 120 to drive it but I can only get it to go one way.· I want to kno whow to get it to turn the other way but every time I want to do that it wont work.
Can anybody help me???
Can anybody help me???

·"If you build it, they will come."
You didn't spec. the size of motor You want to drive or the current needed to drive it. I asume it's => 5 amps. since Your useing a couple of TIP120 tranny's at or around 12Volts .Parallax offers a heavy duty motor controller (HB-25) it's Parallax part# 29144. I have used this in a few app. and they work well. It uses a servo signal (1mS-1.5mS-2mS) for speed and direction. see link "" The control voltage is 5volts this is the output voltage of A I/O pin from the BS2$stamp.****SEE Pg. 146 of StampWorks Experiments and BASIC stamp Source Code****on the Parallax web site.
Post Edited ($WMc%) : 10/25/2008 6:35:59 PM GMT
·"If you build it, they will come."