help with programming boe-bot
I have boe-bot , and add QTI sensor to it and IR LED + receiver (placed in the front of the robot)
My goal is to create a line follower robot that will follow the line but will stop whenever the IR receiver·detects an object in front of it.
My problem is with the programming
both codes doesn't work , the robot just move and follow the line and the IR sensor (IR receiver·and LED) doesn't work and can't detect objects in front of it at all·
Post Edited (wmn) : 10/25/2008 4:45:48 PM GMT
I have boe-bot , and add QTI sensor to it and IR LED + receiver (placed in the front of the robot)
My goal is to create a line follower robot that will follow the line but will stop whenever the IR receiver·detects an object in front of it.
My problem is with the programming
both codes doesn't work , the robot just move and follow the line and the IR sensor (IR receiver·and LED) doesn't work and can't detect objects in front of it at all·
Post Edited (wmn) : 10/25/2008 4:45:48 PM GMT
2) Delete your duplicate message. Use the X icon in the upper right hand corner of your message box.
3) Attach your source code as an attachment rather than cutting and pasting. Unfortunately, the forum software interprets numbers and single letters in square brackets [noparse]/noparse as control codes and strips them out of messages. An alternative is to put a space after the opening bracket like [noparse][[/noparse] 1 ]. That's probably why your message has large fonts. If not, and you've done that deliberately, please don't.