November Nuts and Volts - SX/B 2.0 is announced in Jon Williams article
I just got an email from Nuts and Volts magazine telling me the November issue of Nuts and Volts is available electronically. There is a very good article by Jon Williams that discusses SX/B 2.0 and the secret is out!
Hopefully this·is an indication that SX/B 2.0 will be officially released from Parallax soon.
- and that Jon can·release his book "Practical SX/B" with the remaining chapters.
Good news indeed!
Hopefully this·is an indication that SX/B 2.0 will be officially released from Parallax soon.
- and that Jon can·release his book "Practical SX/B" with the remaining chapters.
Good news indeed!
Marketing ploy.
All I want for Xmas is my 2.0, my 2.0, my 2.ohhhhhh....