MOSFET motor driver
I am currently trying to build a small 10A motor driver from a few NPN MOSFET transistors. Whenever I bring the gate pin high, the voltage connected to the drain is about 30% lower than the voltage coming out of the source. In this case 12v in and 9v out. Is there likely something wrong with the transistors? I've tried a few of them but all give the same results(IRL520N). If not, do I need to find a different type of transistor to provide a lower power loss? Thanks!
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
Here's a hunch: Your connection to ground may not be solid enough, causing the MOSFET's source pin to rise slightly when it's conducting, which lowers the effective gate drive. This, in turn, causes the MOSFET not to saturate, leaving you with too much VDS and, probably, a very hot transistor.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
It's usually a good practice to include a "current-limit" resistor in the gate drive, not so much for the MOSFET as it is voltage driven and doesn't need the resistor but more for limiting fault currents from the motor side from vaporizing the micro. Also, a pull-down resistor is not normally necessary as the I/O pin pulls it high or low but what happens when the pin is floating as is the case during reset or if it hasn't been programmed as an output? In this case any stray voltages will tend to partially turn on the poor MOSFET and end up cooking it before you realize it, so include a 10K pull-down from any I/O pin pronto.
I'm still betting on the bad ground scenario.
Datasheet for IRL520N from IR says: ID @ TC = 25°C Continuous Drain Current, VGS @ 10V 10A
Normally the logic level MOSFETs will operate from logic levels but just don't expect the full ratings from them, it just doesn't happen.
But what you say about the ground probably adds up, very very bad ground.
Different manufacturers, apparently, have different ideas about what constitute "full ratings". In point of fact, looking at Figure 3 in the Int'l. Rectifier doc, one will see that the knee in the transfer characteristics curve occurs well before VGS = 5V. The "on" state resistances are 0.22 ohms for 5V and 0.18 ohms for 10V — not a huge difference, especially when comparing specs with the "non-logic" IRF520. Vishay's approach to this particular part is better, I think: spec it up to VGS = 5V, and let it go at that. I say this because the IRL520 is probably not a transistor one would choose to use with a 10V gate drive anyway.
The lesson here, for anyone choosing a MOSFET, is to read the electrical characteristics and examine the graphs carefully. It's simply not enough to accept the ratings given in the part description. An even bigger challenge in picking a "logic" MOSFET comes when the logic "high" is only 3.3V. Then you really have to comb the datasheets for likely candidates!
The datasheets might differ somewhat but this is the original spec from IR. As you said you have to read the datasheet carefully and there are always those little gotchas like "VDS = 50V, 20us pulse width", Tj = 25'C etc. What happens when you want to drive continuously (more than 20us) at low gate drive and high currents is that the substrate heats up and worse still it's uneven ( in fact the conventional MOSFET is made up of 1,000s of paralleled mosfet cells ) so this can degrade the part over time and certainly the datasheet never really covers real-life expectations. Designers beware.
I can't imagine driving any MOSFET directly from 3.3V logic (5V maybe just) and expecting it to handle 10A motor loads. I used to be more optimistic but I choked on magic smoke too many times. In fact for 10A motors I have used the IRF3205 rated at 110As for commercial product, driving them at over 10V, and even paralled to achieve peace of mind. Automotive power supplies will vaporize a wrench so what do you think will happen to a tiny sliver of silicon?
All said Phil, I hope I don't seem to be disputing with you but I'm saying my piece from experience for what it's worth.
I don't think we're in disagreement — especially not over the necessity to read MOSFET datasheets thoroughly!