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Serial Boe, USB to serial adapter, OSX — Parallax Forums

Serial Boe, USB to serial adapter, OSX

EndifEndif Posts: 2
edited 2008-10-23 14:58 in BASIC Stamp
I've got a serial boebot for a class, and would like to use MacBS2 to program it.
I'm using a MacbookPro, so obviously there are no serial ports available.

I purchased the usb to serial adapter and cable here:,ProductName

MacBS2, which says it's the most up to date version, doesn't see the serial port.

Found the following, which purport to be drivers for this device on OSX:
Universal D2XX0.1.4.dmg

Installed Universal D2XX0.1.4.dmg first according to the instructions in the Readme.

Fortunately, FTDIUSBSerialDriver_v2_2_10.dmg has a proper installer package. Yay!
Rebooted. Still nada, even using the 'use all serial port options' dialogue in preferences.

I'm stumped and irritated.


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