switching ac lights
I am trying to switch ac lights with a BS2IC. I am using fagor FT0807MH4304 logic level triacs. I cant get the controler to turn the lights on and off. they stay on when computer is connected and off when computer not connected. Am I missing something in the circuit. please help.
I light up·everyones life!!!!!
I light up·everyones life!!!!!
- Stephen
I light up·everyones life!!!!!
i have attached a file frome design works express.
I light up·everyones life!!!!!
I light up·everyones life!!!!!
You need to provide a galvanic isolation between the TRIAC and the driver circuitry. The situation you have is dangerous in that the circuit is completed through the connection on your computer.
The "safe" way to do this is use a SSR (Solid State Relay) which has all of the necessary isolation.
If you want to roll your own with the TRIAC you have, there is a missing component called an OPTO-Isolator that you need to include. See the link below for a description/example of using an OPTO_Isolator to drive a TRIAC.
Note: The OPTO-Isolator itself should have a triac output.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Post Edited (Beau Schwabe (Parallax)) : 10/21/2008 10:04:04 PM GMT
I light up·everyones life!!!!!
I light up·everyones life!!!!!
The Opto-Isolator used in my previous post is a MOC3061.· The Datasheet below provides an example schematic.
DigiKey has them for·$1.12 here...
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.