How Do I Run my program to another tab?
I am currently programming a robot and have run out of memory on EEPROM.· I know that there is a RUN command but i do not know how to put it in my program.· I have read the syntax but it doesnt help me.· I just cant get the other tab to download into the stamp.
Which PBASIC Stamp are you attempting to program?
Bruce Bates
When all else fails, try inserting a new battery.
where 1 is the second program that you've made. To share data, simply use GET and PUT.
First you need to use the following compiler directive to indicate which slots will contain which programs. Additional information can be found in the PBASIC Help file, or the PBASIC Reference Manual.
For BASIC Stamp projects (consisting of multiple programs), the $STAMP directive has an option to specify additional filenames. The syntax below demonstrates this form of the $STAMP directive:
' {$STAMP BS2e, file2, file3, ..., file8} (Ed. Note curly brackets!)
Use this form of the $STAMP directive if a project, consisting of multiple files, is desired. This directive must be entered into the first program (to be downloaded into program slot 0) and not in any of the other files in the project. The file2, file3, etc. items should be the actual name (and optionally the path) of the other files in the project. File2 refers to the program that should be downloaded into program slot 1, file3 is the program that should be downloaded into program slot 2, etc. If no path is given, the path of program 0 (the program in which the $STAMP directive is entered) is used.
Up to seven filenames can be included, bringing the total to eight files in the project all together. Upon tokenizing, running or viewing program 0 in the Memory Map, the editor will read the $STAMP directive, determine if the indicated files exist, will load them if necessary and change their captions to indicate the project they belong to and their associated program number. After the directive is tokenized properly, and all associated files are labeled properly, tokenizing, running or viewing any program in the Memory Map will result in that program’s entire project being tokenized, downloaded or viewed.
end quote
Once that is done, then you can implement the RUN instruction as required.
Bruce Bates
When all else fails, try inserting a new battery.
·"If you build it, they will come."