How to damage a BS2 chip
So recently, I damaged·a BS2 chip on a boe bot so it no longer functions.
Being a newbie to robotics, I'm curious how I might have done this.
My question is, what are the most common ways to damage a BS2 chip? That is, without physically dropping it, or smashing it. And using Parallax kit parts.
Being a newbie to robotics, I'm curious how I might have done this.
My question is, what are the most common ways to damage a BS2 chip? That is, without physically dropping it, or smashing it. And using Parallax kit parts.
I probably would only drain my batteries.
Now if I hooked up an I/O pin to ground and gave it a high signal I would cook the BS2.
····· Man do I know the feeling,Its been a long time But I still remember it well. Back in the day, It was "snap-crackel-POP" and then all the factory smoke was let out.....Next comes a lump in the throat and then a loss of some $$...."I'll never do that again"....Back to the subject---- I make it A common practi. to use a "220 ohm" resister in ser. w/ an I/O pin. The Stamp has some buildt in protection. I also never use the stamp to source current other than maybe a few leds.
···· If You look in the Basic Stamp Manule You'll find the info and spec.s, for All the BS stamps.Its a free down load,Or you can order a full Ver.s in Print. in the Parallax Store.
···· Its A hard lesson ,But it comes a time to learn what not to do in order to get back to "What Will I Come up w/ next"
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