Is there hardware and software to implement an RS 422 or RS 485 serial link on a BS2?· I'm sure there is and I just can't find it on the website.· Thanks to anyone pointing me in the right direction.·
·· I use 75176 chips to convert 5 volt serial logic to rs-485.
·· Attached is a sketch of a stamp BS2sx talking/listening ·rs-485 to a Toshiba PLC. The use of the BS2sx was required to run reliably at the 9600,8,N,1 that the Toshiba used. I've done similar links with a BS2, but at lower speed.
· The program shows how the stamp asks the Toshiba for data and how the returned hex values are converted for display.
·· I use 75176 chips to convert 5 volt serial logic to rs-485.
·· Attached is a sketch of a stamp BS2sx talking/listening ·rs-485 to a Toshiba PLC. The use of the BS2sx was required to run reliably at the 9600,8,N,1 that the Toshiba used. I've done similar links with a BS2, but at lower speed.
· The program shows how the stamp asks the Toshiba for data and how the returned hex values are converted for display.
· Cheers,
Tom Sisk
Post Edited (stamptrol) : 10/16/2008 5:51:43 PM GMT