Would this be accurate timeing???
Posts: 119
Assuming that degree is equal to one degree of rotation,
and fire1 is how many degrees past zero I want pin 0 to turn on,
and win1 is how many degrees I want pin 0 to stay on before turning off,
and then I want pin 0 to stay off for the rest of the rotation (360) and then do the same thing indefinatly turning on and off at the same degrees every rotation.
Would this work and would it be accurate?? If not how could I make it more accurate and fast?? I know that doing all this in assembly code would make it faster, but I want to know if the idea or prencible would work??
I'm trying to get to a speed where this could be done accurately at a RPM of 1500 to 4000
Thanks so much
Pub Ffire1 | time
· time := cnt
· repeat
··· waitcnt(time += (degree * fire1))
··· !outa[noparse][[/noparse]0]··
··· waitcnt(time += (degree * win1))
··· !outa[noparse][[/noparse]0]
··· waitcnt(time += (degree * (360 - (fire1 + win1))))
Assuming that degree is equal to one degree of rotation,
and fire1 is how many degrees past zero I want pin 0 to turn on,
and win1 is how many degrees I want pin 0 to stay on before turning off,
and then I want pin 0 to stay off for the rest of the rotation (360) and then do the same thing indefinatly turning on and off at the same degrees every rotation.
Would this work and would it be accurate?? If not how could I make it more accurate and fast?? I know that doing all this in assembly code would make it faster, but I want to know if the idea or prencible would work??
I'm trying to get to a speed where this could be done accurately at a RPM of 1500 to 4000
Thanks so much
Pub Ffire1 | time
· time := cnt
· repeat
··· waitcnt(time += (degree * fire1))
··· !outa[noparse][[/noparse]0]··
··· waitcnt(time += (degree * win1))
··· !outa[noparse][[/noparse]0]
··· waitcnt(time += (degree * (360 - (fire1 + win1))))
Short version - Yeah, dead easy.
here an example how you can analyze what is going on by code instead of thinking
I added debug-output to your code. the debuglines are more indented that it is easy to
recognize your original code
from this you will get the output
outa[noparse][[/noparse]0] is low at the beginning and with this startpoint the logic levels are wrong inside the loop
and the state is changed at the wrong times
just switch it on BEFORE waiting fire1
and off AFTER waiting fire1
for switching ON/OFF use
as this kind does an DEFINITE ON/OFF
INVERTS EVERY state whatever it is and therefore it might be the wrong state that is switched
as long as you just want to blink on/off with the same time on/off this is OK otherwise it becomes unsecure
as long as you don't have to do something special after turning off after fire1 and time win1
it is not nescessary to wait for win1 as an extra command just wait for 360 - fire1 for the rest of the cycle
then the code would look like this
if this is accurate enough depends on the requirements of your application
a SPIN waitcnt has a minimum of 385 microseconds if you want to wait shorter
the systemcounter cnt will have run over the matchpoint before the SPIN-overhead-time
and then you wait 53 seconds until the counter matches the value again AFTER a ROLLOVER to zero
example with easy numbers
waitcnt(200 + cnt)
when cnt is "snapshotted" let's say the value is 1.000.000
so your new value to match is 1.000.200
before the REAL waitcnt command STARTS to wait the systemcounter will already be
on 1.000.385 and then the counter goes on 2.000.000 and on 3.000.000 and on 4.000.000
until 4.294.967.295 (four BILLIONS) wrap around to zero count up again to 1.000.200 which will take aprox 53 seconds at 80 MHz
You can tweak the waitcnt commands by substracting a constant value which represents the execution time of the spin-commands
there will stay a little jitter (time-varying) through the fact that the cog gets access to the hub only every 7-22 clockticks
depending on the HUB-position when the cog WANTS to access HUB-RAM but has to wait until he gets access
here I have a question too:
if somebody can quickly write down how the overhead can be CALCULATED instead of measuring with an oscilloscope
best regards
thank you very much for pointing to your debugger.
I made a search in the threads with the http://search.parallax.com searchengine
there were a lot of hits and different versions
Which one is the actual and best suited for this question?
best regards