pH, Ammonia, etc. sensors for salt water fish tank project.
Good evening everyone,
··· My better half and I are embarking on a salt water fish tank project.· She has been doing some reading and it looks like we will be having to monitor several different parameters consistently.· If any of you have any experience with a project like this I would greatly appreciate any advice you can give.· I would like to build my own monitoring station, using a BS2,·to measure the different parameters such as temperature, ph, salinity, etc.· I was thinking about using an AD592 for temp, but after that have no idea where to get the additional sensors I will need.· Thanks in advance for any input.
P.S.· Cost is an issue, so cheap is better.
There are 10 types of people that understand binary, those who do, and those who don't.
··· My better half and I are embarking on a salt water fish tank project.· She has been doing some reading and it looks like we will be having to monitor several different parameters consistently.· If any of you have any experience with a project like this I would greatly appreciate any advice you can give.· I would like to build my own monitoring station, using a BS2,·to measure the different parameters such as temperature, ph, salinity, etc.· I was thinking about using an AD592 for temp, but after that have no idea where to get the additional sensors I will need.· Thanks in advance for any input.
P.S.· Cost is an issue, so cheap is better.
There are 10 types of people that understand binary, those who do, and those who don't.
There are 10 types of people that understand binary, those who do, and those who don't.
- Rick
A) BS2p40-controlled A/C outlet box for water/air pumps, lighting and other stuff;
C) (probably Javelin-based, though not sure) master controller, sensor monitor and actuator control.
I'm currently in part A at the point where the prototype H/W is complete and am developing the cooperative multitasking state machine software to make it work as close to real time as possible; this is the hard part.
My original inspiration came from a web page at where a complete design is detailed; however, the page is in Spanish. I think it would be very useful to you if you could somehow have it translated (or know Spanish already). Check it out and good luck.
Brings back the following:
Although not perfect, it usually gets you close.
I am totally new to the salt water fish tank scene, so this will probably be a slow process, but a great learning experience. Along with your suggestions I found another website that appeared helpfull. Maybe you all can use the info too. Thanks a bunch.
There are 10 types of people that understand binary, those who do, and those who don't.