DTMF to Iambic Morse Code?
Posts: 22
·First let me say I am an Extreme Newbie when it comes to the Basic Stamp or any other programming for that matter...please be patient.
·I am working on a project to decode DTMF (0-9,#,*) and convert them to iambic Morse code. Iambic is where the dash would output one pin and the dit on another pin and in combination would result in a Morse character.
·I have the schematic done and wanted someone to confirm it and I have some code (not finished) which I barrowed from a fellow ham (K2FS) with his permission which might be a good start?
·What this project does is program an SI570· frequency chip via Skype. I have a working circuit (thanks to Doug Hall K4DSP) that takes a Iambic paddle input to program an I2C SI570 chip... for instance if I want 14.200mhz· would "paddle in" 14 period 200 K· in Morse code...I know what you are thinking why not go DTMF to I2C?? Remember I am an extreme newbie!
·What I want to be able to do is call my Skype via my cell type in 14*200# and be able to program and listen to my radio on that frequency.
Questions I have
1. How would I use pins 18 (P13)dash and 19 (P14)DIT to be keyed Iambic (dash on one pin and dit on the other combined to make a Morse character?
Would I code the output pins like this for number 1 (.----) ?
start :····· high 19·········· Do I use p14?
························· DIT
············ pause 50
············ high 18·········· Do I use p13?
························· DAH
············ pause 150
············ high 18
························· DAH
············ pause 150
············ high 18
························· DAH
············ pause 150
············ high 18
························· DAH
············ pause 150
············ goto start
2. How would I send *(star dtmf) to = period (.-.-.-) would it be 85 01010101?
3. How would I send #(pound dtmf) to = K assuming (163)?
4. what does this code do ?
·· if dtmf <>· 10 then fixten
·· dtmf = 0······················· 'Change a received "10" to a "0"
·I have included the schematic and some very ruff unfinished code that may contain some unwanted code. I was wondering if someone would point me in the right direction.
·Your help is GREATLY appreciated!
Mike WA3O
·First let me say I am an Extreme Newbie when it comes to the Basic Stamp or any other programming for that matter...please be patient.
·I am working on a project to decode DTMF (0-9,#,*) and convert them to iambic Morse code. Iambic is where the dash would output one pin and the dit on another pin and in combination would result in a Morse character.
·I have the schematic done and wanted someone to confirm it and I have some code (not finished) which I barrowed from a fellow ham (K2FS) with his permission which might be a good start?
·What this project does is program an SI570· frequency chip via Skype. I have a working circuit (thanks to Doug Hall K4DSP) that takes a Iambic paddle input to program an I2C SI570 chip... for instance if I want 14.200mhz· would "paddle in" 14 period 200 K· in Morse code...I know what you are thinking why not go DTMF to I2C?? Remember I am an extreme newbie!
·What I want to be able to do is call my Skype via my cell type in 14*200# and be able to program and listen to my radio on that frequency.
Questions I have
1. How would I use pins 18 (P13)dash and 19 (P14)DIT to be keyed Iambic (dash on one pin and dit on the other combined to make a Morse character?
Would I code the output pins like this for number 1 (.----) ?
start :····· high 19·········· Do I use p14?
························· DIT
············ pause 50
············ high 18·········· Do I use p13?
························· DAH
············ pause 150
············ high 18
························· DAH
············ pause 150
············ high 18
························· DAH
············ pause 150
············ high 18
························· DAH
············ pause 150
············ goto start
2. How would I send *(star dtmf) to = period (.-.-.-) would it be 85 01010101?
3. How would I send #(pound dtmf) to = K assuming (163)?
4. what does this code do ?
·· if dtmf <>· 10 then fixten
·· dtmf = 0······················· 'Change a received "10" to a "0"
·I have included the schematic and some very ruff unfinished code that may contain some unwanted code. I was wondering if someone would point me in the right direction.
·Your help is GREATLY appreciated!
Mike WA3O
step one: RX DTMF store to variable
step two: SEND CW where charecter sent = DTMF variable
if this is what you want to do then its fairly simple.. i have never played with a paddle keyer so youll need to tell me this.. does the duration on the pins need to be differant?? or will a high signal on dot pin be the the same as the dash pin?
the first thing to do is test and be sure that you copy and decode dtmf correctly.. do you have a good handle on how the 8870 works?? (looks like a cm8870)
To answer the other question on a paddle keyer one side is dits and the other dahs. Its tuff to explain but...if you hold the dahs it will continue to send dashes and you can insert the dits...or you can tap the dit and get a dit and tap the dah and get the dah...so if you if you tap the dit once and tap the dah 3 times afterwards you will get a "J"...make sence?
Mike WA3O
Mike WA3O
Thanks for your help
Mike WA3O
·I have the program working fairly well but now I want to step it up a notch. The program works well with single digit inputs. I now want to feed strings of DTMF in to do more functions.· For instance I would like to send 123 to do something and single digits 1 and 2 and 3 to do something else… so, I need to store the DTMF digits and do a count to see how many I have and then· do something with them. Can someone tell me how to go about doing this? I have included my code that I am running now and the schematic.
Mike WA3O
What I want to do is press one digit DTMF say digit 1 and key a realy but if I hit 1,1 do a tone and say 1,1,1 flash a light.
I assume I have to store the DTMF string...count the number of digits and if one digit and the number one key relay....if 2 digits and the DTMF 1,1 do a tone... and if the string is 3 digits long and a DTMF 1,1,1 flash the light. Any ideas?