RE: Propellar Chip Resets Itself when USB cable is removed
Posts: 41
When I run my Propellar program from EEPROM with the USB cable removed, the program will run for a·couple·of seconds then reset itself. This will repeat itself. I thought I read that there had to be a delay?·
BS2.Serin_Wait(COMPASS_RX,@DataIn,"T",4800,1,8) command, the BS2.BS2_Start (30,31) command has to be sent first. Do you think that is why the Propellar will reset itself if the Propellar USB port is not attach to the PC?
You could put a "dira[noparse][[/noparse]31]~" right after the call to BS2_Start. This will change the transmit pin back to input mode so it can affect the USB chip for only a millisecond or so.