most basic question from a beginner
I want a·"toy" that can be programmed to le's say light a LED on a given time interval. I have never write any code for a micro chip, never seen one (!), never thought of one....·I am·not even a beginner. Please bare with me and answer my question: which kit should I buy as I only need the most simple of the output possible application ? Something that would let me write some code on my PC and upload it into the microchip.
Thank you (it's embarrasing to ask these questions),·I hope someone will have an answer for me.
Thank you (it's embarrasing to ask these questions),·I hope someone will have an answer for me.
- Stephen
You might want to look at the Basic Stamp Activity Kit.
The What's a Microcontroller text is a step by step guide to using the Basic Stamp and is a very good starting point.
You can download the text in pdf format from:
You may also be able to find the kit at some Radio Shacks - they call it What's a Microcontroller BASIC Stamp Kit
I checked the Radio Shack web site and they have it in stock.
Get one, I'll walk you through the basics. Though really, the book it comes with should cover everything you'd ever need to know, Parallax is the best company Ive seen for user education, ALL of thier books a literature is available for free as a download.
Id reccmoned a BS2 just because of the enhanced functionality.
If you have already discounted BASIC Stamps as a solution simply for lack of knowledge then there probably won’t be a solution that works that easily and your post will also be off topic since this forum is for BASIC Stamp discussion only.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
Seems he tried to order, but found the shipping to be an issue.
Anyway, I like the Whats a Microcontroller and BS Syntax and Reference Manual combo. However, for a first kit I'd probably get the BOE-BOT, since it ultimately has more functionality. You can do pretty much all the WAuC experiments on the BOE, and as previously mentioned you can download everything free.