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Is this code ugly?

Jay KickliterJay Kickliter Posts: 446
edited 2008-10-14 23:53 in Propeller 1
I wrote what I feel is my first piece of real code, and even though I stole ideas from other objects, it took my almost 2 hours to get this short method to work:

PUB signalStrength
  bytefill(@commandBuffer, 0, 20) 
  byteCounter := 0
    rxByte := phone.rx
  until rxByte == ":"
    rxByte := phone.rx
  while rxByte == SPACE
    if rxByte == ","
       commandBuffer[noparse][[/noparse]byteCounter++] := 0
       commandBuffer[noparse][[/noparse]byteCounter++] := rxByte
    rxByte := phone.rx
  until rxByte == ","                   
  return @commandBuffer

My problem is that although it works fine, that last repat loop looks funny to me. I've been staring at it for so long, I think I need someone else's opinion. Any suggestions are welcome.

Here the data I'm parsing:

I send "AT+CSQ" to the cell phone

It responds with:


+CSQ: 24,99


What I'm interested in is the 24 in this example, as that corresponds to the signal strength.


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2008-10-13 02:27
    Maybe this will give you some ideas. It starts after phone.str:
    repeat until phone.rx == ":"   ' Skip over everything until ":"
    repeat while (rxByte := phone.rx) == " "   ' Skip any blanks and leave rxByte set to the 1st non-blank
    repeat until rxByte == ","   ' Copy the input to the commandBuffer until the 1st comma (not including the comma)
       commandBuffer[noparse][[/noparse]byteCounter++] := rxByte
       rxByte := phone.rx
    commandBuffer[noparse][[/noparse]byteCounter]~   ' Replace the comma with an end-of-string zero
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2008-10-13 02:31
    You could even dispense with commandBuffer by converting the decimal number on the fly:
    repeat until rxByte == ","
       result := result * 10 + (rxByte - "0")
       rxByte := phone.rx

    Note that this doesn't check for invalid information, but then none of this code checks for correct format.
  • Jay KickliterJay Kickliter Posts: 446
    edited 2008-10-13 02:38
    Thanks Mike! That worked perfectly. And looks a whole lot nicer.
  • Jay KickliterJay Kickliter Posts: 446
    edited 2008-10-13 02:42
    Any ideas on how to put a timeout in here in case the battery dies or connector gets unplugged?

    I was also wonder on weather I should rewrite these loops for all the phone commands, or make one central method to handle all commands.
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2008-10-13 05:43
    You can do a timeout like this:

    At the beginning of your routine (when you want to start the timeout) put "startTime := cnt"

    In your various loops, put:
    if (cnt - startTime) > clkfreq/10

    When you call this routine, use "\" in front of the call (to "catch" the abort). Read the manual about the abort statement.

    clkfreq/10 gives you a timeout of 100ms. Change this for some other time that would work better for you.
  • Jay KickliterJay Kickliter Posts: 446
    edited 2008-10-13 14:29
    Thanks mike for all the help.

    I tried two things:

    if not \debug.dec(phone.signalStrength)
        debug.str(string("Error", 13))

    if not debug.dec(\phone.signalStrength)
        debug.str(string("Error", 13))

    The first one didn't work when I created an abort condition the loop, I never got the error message. The second one did, but since the '\' was inside the debug.dec(), debug.dec() got passed 0, which is not what I was looking for. I was looking for a way to kill the stack up to and including debug.str() (Which will be replaced with something more useful later).

    I also ran into another problem. When I unplugged the phone, the abort never terminated the loop, I imaging because phone.rx was just sitting there waiting for a receive and never looped again to catch a byte. Is there no way to have an "external" abort?

    Thanks again, Jay
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2008-10-13 14:39
    1) You'll need to test phone.signalStrength separately with:
    temp := \phone.signalStrength
    if temp < 0

    You should also change the "abort" to "abort -1" so you have a unique return value on a timeout.

    2) You can move your I/O to a separate cog and do a timeout on that. The easiest way to do this would be with FullDuplexSerial which already has a receive with timeout routine. Remember that the transmit routine returns when the character is put into the transmit buffer, not when the character is actually sent.
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,876
    edited 2008-10-14 23:53
    I hope Mike is getting paid by Parallax [noparse]:)[/noparse]
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