Budget Voice and music from a BS2
I was looking on the net and ran across a $9.99 SD-card based MP3 player.
It hit me that if I were to put some voice clips (R2D2? Johnny-5? Wall-E?) or
music on the MP3 player... use some simple transistors to control the play,
stop, forward and backward buttons... Couldn't this be used as a kind of
voice box for a robot?
True, there may be a slight delay (skipping to the right track) before the
expected sound is played, but wouldn't this work rather well?
It hit me that if I were to put some voice clips (R2D2? Johnny-5? Wall-E?) or
music on the MP3 player... use some simple transistors to control the play,
stop, forward and backward buttons... Couldn't this be used as a kind of
voice box for a robot?
True, there may be a slight delay (skipping to the right track) before the
expected sound is played, but wouldn't this work rather well?
Biggest mods are supplying 1.5 volts (normally powered by one AAA battery) through a voltage regulator and hacking into the controls to push the buttons with the Stamp. I used 5V reed relays to isolate stamp circuitry from the player.
My app was a synchronized lights/amplified sound/motion art piece where I could manage the MP3 delays through software. I'll have to post a vid on Youtube.
BTW, I see complete 1GB MP3 players (no SD card required) on sale for $15. New, in package.
·"If you build it, they will come."
Anyways, good luck.
I suppose you could use the Speakjet or Speakgin for a robot's voice. But it now seems much cheaper to go the mp3
player route if the slight delay isn't a big deal.
Anyone know the best transistor to use for a project like this? (Or is there a better way than transistors to activate
"buttons" on a hacked device?)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvLdXw_CoEY· 'LED testing
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=za4wH6yenmU· ' Hbridge testing using the same program in the LED Testing
If a robot has a screw then it must be romoved and hacked into..
I kinda just had an idea based on yours...
So I don't have to order opto-couplers (broke)...
Can I use the photovoltaic properties of LEDs... plus a transistor... to make a poor-man's version of a opto-isolation chip?
Or would there not be enough juice to trigger the transistor properly?
If it would work, what's the best configuration for the transistor in this case? (I'm still somewhat fuzzy about the whole
emitter-follower, ect stuff)
If a robot has a screw then it must be romoved and hacked into..
I've actually considered something like this myself, but it's a little farther down
my TODO list. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
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Got an SD card connected? - PropDOS
Sorta like this:
Stamp->Resistor->LED->LED->Transistor->Button pads
If the two LEDs are covered in heat shrink or even black electrical tape, wouldn't that act as a cheap optoisolater?
Reason being is I also don't have any photo-transistors handy [noparse];)[/noparse] Just tons of LEDs and a few CDS cells.
I may have a printer or two handy that I could rip apart if I can't find anything else... Thanks for the suggestion [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Oldbitcollector: Good suggestion... but that mp3 player maxes out at 512MB... It sounds like a lot, but I'd think
this one:
Would be better because of the higher limit and no shipping. (That, and I have a ton of 1GB SD and microSD cards
lying around)
These things have next and previous buttons, but there's no way to directly access any given track.· Mine (an iomega) doesn't reset to track 1 when the power is cycled, it resumes the same track,·and the track numbers wrap around with next/previous.
Post Edit -- This is an aside, but an Emic is $75.· A VMusic (MP3) is $40 (less thumbdrive) and it interfaces via serial, way easy; you won't be kluging together a bunch of dodgy maybe that'll cost you time and money, too.
Post Edited (PJ Allen) : 11/22/2008 7:34:48 PM GMT
If a robot has a screw then it must be romoved and hacked into..
I was kind of counting on the resetting to track 1 to keep track of what mp3 to play... but I guess if the el-cheapo MP3 player
I'm planning on ordering doesn't reset on power cycle I could always store which track I'm on in EEPROM and use that as
an index. It'll bloat my program and write to EEPROM more than I'd like, but I can't think of any other way.
GWJax: I'm not sure but I don't think you need a CDS cell... just two LEDs.
If you already know this, please excuse me but I'll explain in detail what I meant.
LEDs have a photovoltaic property. Meaning when exposed to light they generate voltage.
Generally you want to pair near-identical LEDs so they pickup on the proper wavelength and generate the most voltage.
Once source I found on the net says the following colors generate these voltages:
Red: 1.2V Yellow: 1.4V Green: 1.7V Blue: 2.8V
My thought was that perhapse a couple green LEDs touching each other and wrapped in electrical tape may be enough
to trigger a transistor to act as a switch.
What do you guys think?
Post Edit -- * If you http://search.parallax.com long enough, you will probably find the thread with a link to the subject white paper.··· The intention/application was a one-pin "wireless" comm/serial link.
I thought I saved it, but I can't find it anywhere.· PM sam_sam_sam, he likes to use LEDs for switches.· I like to use switches for switches, I'm weird that way.
Final Update -- http://www.merl.com/papers/docs/TR2003-35.pdf
Post Edited (PJ Allen) : 11/23/2008 12:16:15 AM GMT
I thought I saved it, but I can't find it anywhere.· PM sam_sam_sam, he likes to use LEDs for switches.· I like to use switches for switches, I'm weird that way.
Here Is what you are talking about see below
··Thanks for any·