boe relay question
hey i just got an idea for power supervision and i want your input on whether you think will work.
If i were to get a 12 volt dc relay and a 12 volt dc adapater---connect the 12 volt dc adapter to the relay coil---connect the normally closed portion to one side of the boes power, and the common to the other side of the boes power---and then connect an led to the normally open portion, the other side to a seperate 3 vold power source---and the other side of that power source to common (or something like that), would the led turn on when the relay turned off?
What i understand will happen is---when the relay is turned on--the relay will apply power to the boe (board of education), through the normally closed portion. But when the relay loses power and turns off, the relay will turn on the normally open portion, causing the led to turn on.
Will this work? or do i have wiring wrong for this idea? Also would i need an SPDT or DPDT relay?
PS, all i want is an led to come on when the power goes out.
Thanks, Chris.
If i were to get a 12 volt dc relay and a 12 volt dc adapater---connect the 12 volt dc adapter to the relay coil---connect the normally closed portion to one side of the boes power, and the common to the other side of the boes power---and then connect an led to the normally open portion, the other side to a seperate 3 vold power source---and the other side of that power source to common (or something like that), would the led turn on when the relay turned off?
What i understand will happen is---when the relay is turned on--the relay will apply power to the boe (board of education), through the normally closed portion. But when the relay loses power and turns off, the relay will turn on the normally open portion, causing the led to turn on.
Will this work? or do i have wiring wrong for this idea? Also would i need an SPDT or DPDT relay?
PS, all i want is an led to come on when the power goes out.
Thanks, Chris.
first of all follow the rules of electronics NO DEAD SHORTS ALLOWED
the way you are setting up the relay across the bot power source will create a dead short
you need to put the relay in series with the bots power source not in parallel
the positive from the bots batteries/powersource should be connected to the the common and the normaly open to the bot should be connected to the bot where the source would have connected
next you take your 1.5-3 vdc power supply (you can use 5 volts too as long as you put a 220 ohm resistor in series with the diode) the positive should connected to the common of a different pole of the relay and the normaly closed should be connected to the anode/long lead/or positive of the LED and the cathode/short lead/negative of the LED should be connected to the negative or ground of the 1.5-3 volt dc power supply
now what this will do
when the relay is supplied with the required 12 volts your bot will be turned on and the LED will not be on
when the relay is not supplied with the required 12 volts your bot will will not be turned on and the LED will be on
for future reference the normal state is when there is no power applied the coil
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I`m not prejudice I hate everyone equally
I`m not prejudice I hate everyone equally
You'll need a DPDT 12V coil relay for this.
if you are using the 9 volt battery you will need two battery snaps to interupt the power source
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I`m not prejudice I hate everyone equally
I`m not prejudice I hate everyone equally
and as for the negative being left alone i was refering to it as the upright connector to the battery that is soldered to the board
I`m not prejudice I hate everyone equally
sorry it didnt attatch the file the first try let me try again
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I`m not prejudice I hate everyone equally
I`m not prejudice I hate everyone equally
to fix your designed image take the +3vdc from the common of the pole it is on and put it on the common of the second pole and take the connection to the nc off of pole one and reaply to the NC of pole two
I`m not prejudice I hate everyone equally
I`m not prejudice I hate everyone equally
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
thanks for all your help.
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Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
then when power is restored, the battery circuit opens and the regualr power closes--alowing my boe and alarms to run on normal power.
im using a dpdt relay.
is this diagram i posted correct? if not can you explain to me why?