I was thinking about a project that would be simple enough for anybody to build, and also be pretty cheap. I bet that if everyone pitched in their ideas, we could design an awesome robot and then create an instructable or something.
My idea was some type of robot based on a Scientific calculator (TI-84 or similar) that would wander around avoiding obstacles. But if you have another idea, post it.
My idea was some type of robot based on a Scientific calculator (TI-84 or similar) that would wander around avoiding obstacles. But if you have another idea, post it.
If cost is important, a Propeller would give you much more power and can directly control servo motors and a variety of sensors. It can even do floating point faster than a lot of calculators.
Back when the BS1 first came out, there were scores of people who built robots using it and many of those excellent designs are still posted up on the web, found by searching with Google. Now that it's in this new convenient and low cost development board form, it's easier than ever to construct a robot around it. Also remember a BS1 port can act as a double - both input and output.
Post Edited (humanoido) : 10/12/2008 1:09:06 PM GMT
Okay, I'm confused. I think that in a recent post Mike Green said that the BS1 serial programming port CANNOT be used as a regular serial port:
Yet the product page says
"DB9 connector for BS1-IC programming and serial communication during run-time."
Is this comparing apples and oranges somehow?
Any I/O pin can be used for bidirectional serial communications (with SERIN and SEROUT statements), just not the programming port.
What hasn't been mentioned so far is that there are 8 other pin ports on the BS-1 which CAN be used for communication with any RS-232 device, including a PC serial port.
Bruce Bates
When all else fails, try inserting a new battery.
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
So where the product page for the Basic Stamp 1 Project Board says that the DB-9 can be used for "serial communication during run-time", it's simply wrong, right? (unless that means simply "to send data using DEBUG"). I'm aware that you can use the BS-1s I/O pins for serial communication, but you can't connect one of those pins to the DB-9, right?
The BS-1 is different from some of the various BS-2 boards in that respect, right? For example, in the product page for the Super Carrier Board we see:
"Serial programming port (DB9) can be used for run-time communication (BS2 series)". However, in the SERIN section of the Stamp Manual we read
"All BS2 models have a line receiver on its SIN pin (Rpin = 16). See the "Introduction to the BASIC Stamp" chapter. The SIN pin goes to a PC’s
serial data-out pin on the DB9 connector built into BASIC Stamp development boards. The connector is wired to allow both programming
and run-time serial communication (unless you are using the BASIC Stamp 2 Carrier Board (#27120) which is designed for programming only)."
Just trying to make sure I understand all of this correctly. It's yet another useful thread for those of us who haven't been through all of these details already.
Post Edited (MSDTech) : 10/13/2008 8:45:19 PM GMT
That's a pretty sophisticated robot that could be done with a BS1 with some care in programming (because of the limited program size).
You might want to check out this site for some simple designs. This is a High School based club too! It is a site for the Santa Ana High School Robotics Engineering Club. They have a page about how they build their bots and some great competition ideas too. At the very least, I think you can get some good ideas there.
Good luck and have fun!
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
Post Edited (Whit) : 10/19/2008 12:23:45 PM GMT
If you google BS1 robot, you'll find many examples. For example robot Cyclops run by a BS1 held the championship SUMO title at FRR. You may want to talk to David Buckley and visit his web site. He's created numerous robots using the Basic Stamp 1, such as SimplHEX, Clarissa May, Snowdrop, Gargantua, Ranger Scout, The Imperial Drone Red - Nevik, The Imperial Drone Green - Gotan, the famous BigFoot. Amazing, right?!! His web site is at:, a BS1 robot car here, etc...
Take a look at the P.A.R.T.S. newsletter from the Portland Area Robotics Society. Though the projects are based on other microcontrollers, you can get a lot of good robotic ideas for circuits, sensors, projects, and robot building.
If you take apart some toys, you can scavenge motors, wheels, reduction units, wire, switches, leds, speakers, assorted plastic parts and gears, some circuit boards, hardware, nuts, bolts, screws, washers, and other cool stuff.
Post Edited (humanoido) : 10/20/2008 8:49:51 AM GMT
It's been done years ago. You can see them if you checkout the site below:
why the 555 - I use BS2's with the emitter connected direct to the pin
does the BS1 have no control over freqency