Pressure Sensor?? PSI
Hello, I'm wondering about weather or not There is a sensor that I can connect to the basic stamp to sense air pressure inside of a tank?
I need it to be able to accuately mesure from 1/4 to 15 PSI in that range anyway
Does anyone know of what might work??
I need it to be able to accuately mesure from 1/4 to 15 PSI in that range anyway
Does anyone know of what might work??
They would measure from -1 bar to +1 bar, or about -14.6 PSI to 14.6 PSI, on a 5 volt refrence. .5 for -14, 4.5v for +14
00 Pontiac GrandPrix 3.8SC is a vehicle that uses GM's 2 bar MAP.
They may not handle the low pressure range, but are good from 2.2 to 16.7 psia.
I`m not prejudice I hate everyone equally
I`m not prejudice I hate everyone equally