interfacing a RC receiver.
Posts: 295
is there a recomended method to interface a RC receiver to the BS2?· currently i have the servo output·to the I/O via a 1k resistor, this method works but i occasionally get an input value (pulsin) out of its normal range.
Quick question I am in the middle of a project that requires and RC receiver connected to a BS2. I have been searching for info. I have successfully read the pulses. My question, the last sentence of this post talks about a twisted pair between the receiver and the stamp is that done to reduce noise or protect the circuit should the stamp pin turn into an output or both. First time I have seen this example. And for clarification signal pin on RX would have two wires connected one of them going to the stamp pin the other to a common ground? Would I still use the series resistor?
Thanks for the quick reply Mike G.