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Propeller Professional Development Board - tv out....nothing. — Parallax Forums

Propeller Professional Development Board - tv out....nothing.

TJHJTJHJ Posts: 243
edited 2008-10-14 06:26 in Propeller 1
So I cant seem to anything out of the PPDB on the TV out. Is there something simple I am missing?

I am using a simple program that has worked in the past on the demo board, sadly I dont have it to test it now. I have it connected using solid wire jumpers.
Like so.
P14-va ' I have tried this connected or unconnected.

The resisters are built into the board, so I dont think I need anything more than the jumper wires?

Any ideas or anyone having the same problem?

Thanks TJ


  • hippyhippy Posts: 1,981
    edited 2008-10-09 18:04
    It doesn't look like you've chosen a correct group of four pins to put the TV signals on; P0-P3, P4-P7, P8-P11, P12-P15, P16-P19, P20-P23, P24-P27.
  • TJHJTJHJ Posts: 243
    edited 2008-10-09 18:07
    Doah thanks, that fixed it.

    Where did the pin grouping come from?

    Thanks again.

  • Oldbitcollector (Jeff)Oldbitcollector (Jeff) Posts: 8,091
    edited 2008-10-09 18:41
    Here you go.

    (Propeller) P12 to (TV) V0
    (Propeller) P13 to (TV) V1
    (Propeller) P14 to (TV) V2


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  • RinksCustomsRinksCustoms Posts: 531
    edited 2008-10-14 01:16
    Built into the code of the TV driver..

    ''  tv_pins
    ''    bits 6..4 select pin group:
    ''      %000: pins 7..0
    ''      %001: pins 15..8
    ''      %010: pins 23..16
    ''      %011: pins 31..24
    ''      %100: pins 39..32
    ''      %101: pins 47..40
    ''      %110: pins 55..48
    ''      %111: pins 63..56
    ''       
    ''       └┴┴────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
    ''    bits 3..0 select pin group mode:                                      │
    ''      %0000: %0000_0111    -                    baseband                  │
    ''      %0001: %0000_0111    -                    broadcast                 │
    ''      %0010: %0000_1111    -                    baseband + chroma         │
    ''      %0011: %0000_1111    -                    broadcast + aural         │
    ''      %0100: %0111_0000    broadcast            -                         │
    ''      %0101: %0111_0000    baseband             -                         │
    ''      %0110: %1111_0000    broadcast + aural    -                         │
    ''      %0111: %1111_0000    baseband + chroma    -                         │
    ''      %1000: %0111_0111    broadcast            baseband                  │
    ''      %1001: %0111_0111    baseband             broadcast                 │
    ''      %1010: %0111_1111    broadcast            baseband + chroma         │
    ''      %1011: %0111_1111    baseband             broadcast + aural         │
    ''      %1100: %1111_0111    broadcast + aural    baseband                  │
    ''      %1101: %1111_0111    baseband + chroma    broadcast                 │
    ''      %1110: %1111_1111    broadcast + aural    baseband + chroma         │
    ''      %1111: %1111_1111    baseband + chroma    broadcast + aural         │
    ''      -----------------------------------------------------------         │
    ''             active pins   top nibble           bottom nibble             │                                                                            
    ''                                                              │
    ''       ││││   ││││ └┴┴┴─────▶ Lower 4 pins in pin group selected for DAC  │
    ''       ││││   └┴┴┴──────────▶ Upper 4 pins in pin group selected for DAC  │
    ''       ││││                                                  ┌┬┬──────────┘
    ''       ││││                                                            
    ''       └┴┴┴──────────────┬──▶ Lower nibble for long tv_pins %xxx_xxxx     
    ''                         │                                            
    ''                         └───────────────────────────────────────┴┴┴┘     
    ''       the baseband signal nibble is arranged as:                                            
    ''         bit 3: chroma signal for s-video (attach via 560-ohm resistor)                      
    ''         bits 2..0: baseband video (sum 270/560/1100-ohm resistors to form 75-ohm 1V signal) 
    ''      the broadcast signal nibble is arranged as:
    ''        bit 3: aural subcarrier (sum 560-ohm resistor into network below)
    ''        bits 2..0: visual carrier (sum 270/560/1100-ohm resistors to form 75-ohm 1V signal)
    ''  _______
    ''  tv_mode
    ''    bit 4 selects between 16x16 and 16x32 pixel tiles:───────────────────┐
    ''      0: 16x16 pixel tiles (tileheight = 16)                             │
    ''      1: 16x32 pixel tiles (tileheight = 32)                             │
    ''                                                                         │
    ''    bit 3 controls chroma mixing into broadcast: ─────────────────────────┐
    ''      0: mix chroma into broadcast (color)                               ││
    ''      1: strip chroma from broadcast (black/white)                       ││
    ''                                                                         ││
    ''    bit 2 controls chroma mixing into baseband: ───────────────────────────┐
    ''      0: mix chroma into baseband (composite color)                      │││
    ''      1: strip chroma from baseband (black/white or s-video)             │││
    ''                                                                         │││
    ''    bit 1 controls interlace:        ───────────────────────────────────────┐
    ''      0: progressive scan (243 display lines for NTSC, 286 for PAL)      ││││
    ''           less flicker, good for motion                                 ││││
    ''      1: interlaced scan (486 display lines for NTSC, 572 for PAL)       ││││
    ''           doubles the vertical display lines, good for text             ││││
    ''                                                                         ││││
    ''    bit 0 selects NTSC or PAL format ────────────────────────────────────────┐
    ''      0: NTSC                                                            │││││
    ''           3016 horizontal display ticks                                 │││││
    ''           243 or 486 (interlaced) vertical display lines                │││││
    ''           CLKFREQ must be at least 14_318_180 (4 * 3_579_545 Hz)*       │││││
    ''      1: PAL                                                             │││││
    ''           3692 horizontal display ticks                                 │││││
    ''           286 or 572 (interlaced) vertical display lines                │││││
    ''           CLKFREQ must be at least 17_734_472 (4 * 4_433_618 Hz)*       │││││
    ''                                                                         │││││
    ''      * driver will disable itself while CLKFREQ is below requirement    │││││
    ''                                                                         │││││
    ''                                                                         
    ''                                                          long tv_mode  %xxxxx

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  • StefanL38StefanL38 Posts: 2,292
    edited 2008-10-14 06:26
    Hello RinksCustoms,

    this is a really well done documentation for controlbits.

    best regards

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