Serial Data over TC/IP socket connection.
······ I have written some code that allows you to send Ascii text data over a TC/IP ethernet connection.
The code for the Server is some Chat server code that I modified to send the Serial data from one Client program to another client program.
Here is how I use the programs on my application I have been working a on Robot that has a old·PC running windows XP that has a serial port that talks to mutiple devices on the robot to report·what the various sensors are seeing and tell it where to navigate to.
I have a wireless router on the robot that is hooked to the PC with a ethernet cable and is set up as a acess point to allow me to connect my laptop to the robot through my wireless·G connection. I run the Server program·on the robot pc and for Each serial port on the robot i start a new instance of the·Serial Client and link it to the server IP adress setup on the Server program, then·I run one instance of the Serial client on the Laptop and then send·the robot data through the serial port or type in commands and send it to the robot.
Basically·their is two programs one Server and one Client the client accepts the data and sends it to the server then the server mirrors this to all the other Clients. You can have by default 100·Clients open and if you have more than 100 Serial ports then more power to you.
I hope this is a project people can use.·Please if you use these programs leave some feed back and if any changes are needed to work with your application let me know and I can help out where I can.
To install the programs download then unzip them and then click on the manafest file then follow the install istructions.
To send data from a devise to the serial port of a PC running the Client sen Ascii text and a·CrLf (control return and Line feed at the end of the strings) , but this may not be nessisary on all string try it with and without the CrLf and let me know if you have any problems.
Their is a allot of code behind these apps and if anyone needs it I can email it to you. I have it in 2005 and 2008
Post Edited (bennettdan) : 10/8/2008 8:12:37 AM GMT
······ I have written some code that allows you to send Ascii text data over a TC/IP ethernet connection.
The code for the Server is some Chat server code that I modified to send the Serial data from one Client program to another client program.
Here is how I use the programs on my application I have been working a on Robot that has a old·PC running windows XP that has a serial port that talks to mutiple devices on the robot to report·what the various sensors are seeing and tell it where to navigate to.
I have a wireless router on the robot that is hooked to the PC with a ethernet cable and is set up as a acess point to allow me to connect my laptop to the robot through my wireless·G connection. I run the Server program·on the robot pc and for Each serial port on the robot i start a new instance of the·Serial Client and link it to the server IP adress setup on the Server program, then·I run one instance of the Serial client on the Laptop and then send·the robot data through the serial port or type in commands and send it to the robot.
Basically·their is two programs one Server and one Client the client accepts the data and sends it to the server then the server mirrors this to all the other Clients. You can have by default 100·Clients open and if you have more than 100 Serial ports then more power to you.
I hope this is a project people can use.·Please if you use these programs leave some feed back and if any changes are needed to work with your application let me know and I can help out where I can.
To install the programs download then unzip them and then click on the manafest file then follow the install istructions.
To send data from a devise to the serial port of a PC running the Client sen Ascii text and a·CrLf (control return and Line feed at the end of the strings) , but this may not be nessisary on all string try it with and without the CrLf and let me know if you have any problems.
Their is a allot of code behind these apps and if anyone needs it I can email it to you. I have it in 2005 and 2008
Post Edited (bennettdan) : 10/8/2008 8:12:37 AM GMT
you are actually a god sent for me right now. Although i can not get your program to run on my pc, i would like to see if you are willing to help me by taking this project on step in a different direction. I need a server that can listen and wait for a cliet call. take the data steam, XML, and then get it to a csv file. Is that doable with what you have started here?
It's Only A Stupid Question If You Have Not Googled It First!!
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