Basic Stamp weather station
Hi all,
I'm in the middle of researching how to build a weather station from scratch and run it using the Basic Stamp bs2 homework board.· I've found several sites that all seem to poing to 1 of 2 and Matt Parnell's site.· I want to try to build this from scratch as much as possible, so I'd rather not buy the kit from AAG.· I found a really bad black and white picture of Matt Parnell's weather station, and it looks like his was built from scratch.· The link to the site is broken or the site does not exist anymore (· So, I'm curious if anyone has the schematics for what he built or has someone else built a weather station from scratch who might be able to share schematics and such.· Thanks a bunch!
I'm in the middle of researching how to build a weather station from scratch and run it using the Basic Stamp bs2 homework board.· I've found several sites that all seem to poing to 1 of 2 and Matt Parnell's site.· I want to try to build this from scratch as much as possible, so I'd rather not buy the kit from AAG.· I found a really bad black and white picture of Matt Parnell's weather station, and it looks like his was built from scratch.· The link to the site is broken or the site does not exist anymore (· So, I'm curious if anyone has the schematics for what he built or has someone else built a weather station from scratch who might be able to share schematics and such.· Thanks a bunch!
Wind Speed
Wind Dirrection
Light Levels
inches/cm of Rain
Then just find a sensor for each. Figure out how you want to get the data: store it on a datalogger and periodically retrieve it, or transmit it (via wire or wireless) to some other place, and display/store it. It's not really all that difficult to build a weather station. Also, you probably want to do your testing on the homework board, then move to a more permanent design later.
You can also find info on a group that builds weather stations for schools at:
How you build it will depend on what you want to measure, how accurate the data needs to be,·and where you want the data reported.
You can also get some leads from our Applied Sensors Text by Dr. Tracy Allen, and the author's own website