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Simple PID — Parallax Forums

Simple PID

T ChapT Chap Posts: 4,223
edited 2008-10-08 06:07 in Propeller 1
After a few days of struggle with the PID obj, I finally started researching all I could online, looking at numerous PID code examples and reading up on the basic fundamentals. I ran across a code for some other processor that was the jist of what I needed to accomplish, and modified it for the Prop, made a few corrections to their code as well which had few major flaws. This simple code really made a lot of sense for me when trying to learn the process.

For anyone trying to learn about PID, this is a very simple program with some comments to help make sense out of the 3 part formula, you can also easily mute any of the 3 factors to see the effects of any one part. Surely this will need tweaking for use in any project, but I think it will make for a really good starer PID. This is in Spin only, does not use any floating point so only one cog used, also it is not set up as an object. Run the PID engine as is, it will start up as a learning program. I modified the PWMasm obj to use 0-1000 duty for smooth resolution.

Suggestions welcome.

Updated 10/08/08 Uploaded new uploaded version as well.

'PID ENGINE      Drives Direction pin, outputs absoloute errorto pwm.  

  _clkmode               = xtal1 + pll16x 
  _xinfreq               = 5_000_000

    LCD_Pin              = 14
    LCD_Baud             = 9600
    LCD_Lines            = 2


  long kp, ki, kd, p, i, d, t,dt, tp, scale, duty, ilimit
  long Darray
  long Daverage
  long encodercount
  long output , error, Ierror, PrevError, maxoutput
  pwm          :  "pwmAsmDuty1000"
  lcd          :  "debug_lcd"
  encoder      :  "Rotary Encoder"

PUB start(pos)                      
    LCDinit                         ' TURN OFF FOR MAIN PROGRAM
    waitcnt(5_000_000 + cnt)        'seems to want a delay else strange number on lcd
    'ZERO out any one factor P,I, or D to see the effects of p, i ,d . Or increase/decrease values to see the effects on the sum.
    PIDinit(1000, 500, 100)               'a '0' mutes either p, i, or d from the total. P should carry greatest weight in many cases.
    ilimit := 1000                   'set integral limit
    maxoutput := 1000
      'cal(pos)                      'use this if in object mode                                       
      caltest(pos)                   'use this if in stand alone test mode
      lcdloop                        'test purpses only LCD

PUB caltest(pos)     '  calclates PID and outputs 0 - 1000 duty     this is a standalone test loop
    error := (pos - encodercount)    'get error
    if Ierror > ilimit               'set i limit max to avoid integral windup, using experimental values
       Ierror := ilimit
    if Ierror < -ilimit
       Ierror := -ilimit

    Darray := (error - PrevError)
    Longmove(@Darray[noparse][[/noparse]0], @Darray, 4)
    Daverage := (Darray[noparse][[/noparse]0] + Darray + Darray + Darray + Darray)/5

    'If error => PrevError
      'Ierror += error               'integral logic.  add to itegral if error is stayin the same or increasing    
    'If error < PrevError            'accumulate integral value  Ierror with error 
      'Ierror -= error               'reduce integral value Ierror if error is getting smaller
                                    'this is an effort to reduce accumulation effect if the error is getting smaller
    '3 constants kp, kd, ki allow the user to tune the error correction in the system, sent from caller
    p := kp * error                  'sets Proportional constant kp Note: proportional is simply multiplication x kp

    i := ki * ierror                 'sets integral value ( accumulative )
    D := kd * Daverage               'sets derivative value using filter of 5 samples           
    'd := kd * (error - PrevError)   'sets derivative constatn kd, no filter, 1 sample                                  

    output := (p + i + d)/1000 'scale
    if error > 0
      outa[noparse][[/noparse]17] :=   1                 'if calculate returns positive number, direction if forward set dir pin high
    if error < 0   
      outa[noparse][[/noparse]17] :=   0                 'if calculate returns positive number, direction if forward set dir pin low

    if error > 1000
        output := 1000
    if error < -1000
        output := - 1000
    if error == 0                      'reset ierror if error = 0(position reached)
       ierror := 0

    if output > 0
      outa[noparse][[/noparse]17] :=   1                 'if calculate returns positive number, direction if forward set dir pin high
    if output < 0  
      outa[noparse][[/noparse]17] :=   0                 'if calculate returns positive number, direction if forward set dir pin low
    PrevError := error                'store error for next loop use
    duty := ||output
    pwm.SetDuty(duty)                 'send output to pwm ( 0 - 1000) Note: in pwmasm obj, change SetDuty(counts)

PUB cal(pos)                          'for use as object called by antoher program, turn off LCD if using another calling using LCD
    error := (long[noparse][[/noparse]pos] - encodercount) 'get error

    if Ierror > ilimit               'set i limit max to avoid integral windup, using experimental values
       Ierror := ilimit
    if Ierror < -ilimit
       Ierror := -ilimit

    Darray := (error - PrevError)
    Longmove(@Darray[noparse][[/noparse]0], @Darray, 4)
    Daverage := (Darray[noparse][[/noparse]0] + Darray + Darray + Darray + Darray)/5

    If error => PrevError           'integral logic.  add to itegral if error is stayin the same or increasing
      Ierror += error               'accumulate integral value  Ierror with error 
    If error < PrevError
      Ierror -= error               'reduce integral value Ierror if error is getting smaller
                                    'this is an effort to reduce accumulation effect if the error is getting smaller
    '3 constants kp, kd, ki allow the user to tune the error correction in the system, sent from caller
    p := kp * error                  'sets Proportional constant kp Note: proportional is simply multiplication x kp

    i := ki * ierror                 'sets integral value ( accumulative )
    D := kd * Daverage               'sets derivative value using filter of 5 samples           
    'd := kd * (error - PrevError)   'sets derivative constatn kd, no filter, 1 sample

    output := (p + i + d)/1000 'scale
    if error > 0
      outa[noparse][[/noparse]17] :=   1                 'if calculate returns positive number, direction if forward set dir pin high
    if error < 0   
      outa[noparse][[/noparse]17] :=   0                 'if calculate returns positive number, direction if forward set dir pin low

    if output > 1000
        output := 1000
    if output < -1000
        output := - 1000
    if error == 0                      'reset ierror if error = 0(position reached)
       ierror := 0

    if output > 0
      outa[noparse][[/noparse]17] :=   1                 'if calculate returns positive number, direction if forward set dir pin high
    if output < 0  
      outa[noparse][[/noparse]17] :=   0                 'if calculate returns positive number, direction if forward set dir pin low
    PrevError := error                'store error for next loop use
    duty := ||output
    pwm.SetDuty(duty)                 'send output to pwm ( 0 - 1000) Note: in pwmasm obj, change SetDuty(counts)

PUB PIDinit(kpp, kii, kdd)
    dira[noparse][[/noparse]17] := 1
    kp := kpp
    ki := kii
    kd := kdd
    encoder.start(21, 1, 0, @encodercount) 
    pwm.Start(27)                     '
pub lcdLOOP
    lcd.decf(encodercount, 4)
    lcd.decf(error, 8)
    lcd.gotoxy(0, 1)
    lcd.decf(((duty)), 6)
    'lcd.decf(d, 6)
    lcd.decf(ierror, 6)

PUB LCDinit  
     lcd.start(LCD_PIN, LCD_BAUD, LCD_LINES)            ' start lcd
     lcd.cursor(0)                                      ' cursor off
     lcd.backLight(true)                                ' backlight on (if available)
     lcd.cls                                            ' clear the lcd

Post Edited (Originator) : 10/8/2008 8:38:55 PM GMT


  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,104
    edited 2008-10-07 06:44
    Small correction:
    - Got your I's and D's a bit mixed up in the main equations. Not that it affects anything.
    - Ditch those absolute operators. They will cause inverted control.

    Is that resetting of Ierror also in the original text you copied from? It might cause some strange step changes.

    Bigger issues:
    - You'll have to be careful with integral wind-up. Might need to scale things down a bit.
    - Derivative response works much better if it is spread over a definable period. Not just one sample.
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,104
    edited 2008-10-07 07:07
    Resetting Ierror at the limit of your P band should work.

    Scaling down the final calculated demand (output) hopefully will suffice for dealing with integral wind-up. Say, divide by 1000. And scaling up the KP and KD parameters accordingly.

    I've, in the past, used a simple input filter to spread the derivative response.
  • T ChapT Chap Posts: 4,223
    edited 2008-10-07 16:02
    evanh said...
    Is that resetting of Ierror also in the original text you copied from? It might cause some strange step changes.

    The code they had would not ever stop accumulating even if error was zero, so I put in the resets. Otherwise unless ki was 0 (the multiplier), there was always accumulation, not sure why they had that error as I took it from a very detailed tutorial. The i and d equations came from the same tutorial though, and you state that I have them reverses, so maybe they never really tested the code before posting.
    evanh said...
    Derivative response works much better if it is spread over a definable period. Not just one sample.

    If you don't mind, I would really appreciate hearing what you mean. Are you saying take X samples of time and get an average? I don't quite have enough experience to have a reference for 'input filter' in this instance as you suggested. I suppose the analog would be a cap to smooth out spikes, so the digital would be an average.

    The scale you see posted in that has nothing to do with real world application yet, the original code did show a divisor under p+i+d of 1 just to indicate scaling. Until I get the boards back, I am only testing with the encoder and led's for pwm and direction, checking the pwm on a scope as well.

    Thanks for the suggestions!

    Post Edited (Originator) : 10/7/2008 4:19:58 PM GMT
  • BergamotBergamot Posts: 185
    edited 2008-10-07 17:47
    Originator said...
    evanh said...
    Derivative response works much better if it is spread over a definable period. Not just one sample.

    If you don't mind, I would really appreciate hearing what you mean. Are you saying take X samples of time and get an average? I don't quite have enough experience to have a reference for 'input filter' in this instance as you suggested. I suppose the analog would be a cap to smooth out spikes, so the digital would be an average.

    The scale you see posted in that has nothing to do with real world application yet, the original code did show a divisor under p+i+d of 1 just to indicate scaling. Until I get the boards back, I am only testing with the encoder and led's for pwm and direction, checking the pwm on a scope as well.

    Thanks for the suggestions!

    Well I can't speak for him, but I'm pretty sure he means to divide the change in value by the time elapsed since the last sample.

    If your samples are *guaranteed* to be perfectly evenly spaced, you can skip this step. This is actually possible with assembly if you take advantage of the propeller's determinism. Since you use spin, it's better to be safe and just do the division.

    Don't forget to update your weights!
  • T ChapT Chap Posts: 4,223
    edited 2008-10-07 18:30
    Ok I see what you mean, in this case, the loop timing never changes, so the timing is constant. Adding the delta time divisor did not affect anything. If the loop was being called by the profile loop, in which case the timing of each loop in the profile did in fact change a lot, then the delta time divisor would be required.

    I switched the i and d equations that were posted in reverse.

    Thanks guys.

    Post Edited (Originator) : 10/7/2008 8:35:35 PM GMT
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,104
    edited 2008-10-07 21:14
    Multiple summed readings over time is needed also, so, yeah, a running average or R-C filter.

    I just noticed the direction detection is at the start of the code. I might have led you wrong on removing the absolute operator. I suggest, instead of just putting it back in in the various places, put the two parts (Direction select + absolute translation) together just before calling the PWM output routine.
  • T ChapT Chap Posts: 4,223
    edited 2008-10-08 05:16
    I really appreciate the advice on this. With the scope and led's only, I have finally gotten somewhere close to what I think is a good start. It is amazing how such simple 3 formulas can be a beast to tackle in the real world. I uploaded the newer version above, and replaced the viewable code. I will have boards to test within a few days and will post how it goes.

    Notable changes :

    1. added Integral limit max to reduce windup issues
    2. added integral logic, accumulates if error is => previous error. reduces integral value if error < PrevError
    2. added scale factor under sum or output
    3. removed || absolute values except for output to pwm obj.

    As far as multiple sums, maybe something like this off the top of my head:

    long Darray[noparse][[/noparse] 4 ]
    long Daverage
    Darray[noparse][[/noparse] 4 ] := (error - PrevError)
    Longmove(@Darray[noparse][[/noparse] 0 ], @Darray[noparse][[/noparse] 1 ], 4)
    Daverage := (Darray[noparse][[/noparse] 0 ] + Darray[noparse][[/noparse] 1 ] + Darray[noparse][[/noparse] 2 ] + Darray[noparse][[/noparse] 3 ] + Darray[noparse][[/noparse] 4 ])/5
    D := kd * Daverage

    Post Edited (Originator) : 10/8/2008 7:24:23 PM GMT
  • grasshoppergrasshopper Posts: 438
    edited 2008-10-08 05:51
    I am not so sure the PWM object is correct. Could some one clear up the assembly code so that I better under stand it.
    'assembly cog which updates the PWM cycle on APIN
    'for audio PWM, fundamental freq which must be out of auditory range (period < 50µS)
    entry   mov     t1,par                'get first parameter
            rdlong  value, t1
            add     t1,#4                 
            rdlong  pinOut, t1
            or      dira, pinOut         ' set pinOut to output      
            add     t1, #4
            rdlong  ctraval, t1
            mov ctra, ctraval              'establish counter A mode and APIN
            add     t1, #4
            rdlong  period, t1
            mov frqa, #1                   'set counter to increment 1 each cycle
            mov time, cnt                  'record current time
            add time, period               'establish next period
    :loop   rdlong value, par              'get an up to date pulse width
            waitcnt time, period           'wait until next period
            neg phsa, value                'back up phsa so that it  trips "value" cycles from now
            jmp #:loop                     'loop for next cycle
    period  res 1                    
    time    res 1
    value   res 1
    t1      res 1
    pinOut  res 1
    ctraval res 1

    I was under the impression that PWM was in duty cycles meaning 0 to 100%. This modification you made complicates my understanding of the whole process. However I do see a use for more control. 0 to 10_000 would be great
  • T ChapT Chap Posts: 4,223
    edited 2008-10-08 05:59
    I changed the pwmasm object to use 0-1000. Duty cycle does in fact mean 0- 100%, but 100% does not have to mean '100'. 1000 can be 100% of 1000, if you see where I am coming from.
  • grasshoppergrasshopper Posts: 438
    edited 2008-10-08 06:07
    True and I suppose since 0-100% is 0 to full power then the same should apply at ranges 0 to 1_000 given 500 is half power.

    My problem is where the duty was changed to 1000. Because the period is 1000 for a reason. I figured it was related to the clock divided by the period or something along these lines. So simply changing the duty max vvalue to an arbitrary number does not seem right.
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