5V D/A Conversion
Posts: 85
Is the only way for me to obtain a 0-5V output "from" the Prop is with a digital pot or an AD8803? From what I can tell, due to the 3.3V VCC of the Prop, I cannot go above this, correct?
No. You can connect a 5V signal over a resistor.
This issue is discussed in the following thread
best regards
The only way I can think to do this (note, I am somewhat new to all this). Is to run PWM inversely on a transistor hooked to 5V. But due to constraints of the transistor you would have to put a currently limiting resistor on the input, thus limiting the current of whatever you are trying to power.
I'm sure someone else will come up with a better idea.
R1 will have to be dependent on the transistor collector current limits and on the required power for your output.
R2 will have to be dependent on the transistor base current limits
When the Prop pin is high, output is 0V, when it is low (or input), output will be 5V. Use a PWM-type method (but backward) for control.
Noise can also be a result of how the test instrument is connected too, so check your grounds etc. Unless you have a clean PCB layout you probably won't get rid of that noise so expect this with any breadboard layout. A voltage follower won't really help but you could RC filter the supply to the opamp (100R + 10uf) and even add a capacitor (try 1,000pf) in the feedback path from pin 1 to pin 2. Keep the components as close as possible to the opamp and keep the wiring/traces as short as possible.