BS Professional Development Board Problem
· Hey All,
··············· I have been using my Basic Stamp Professional Development Board w/ the serial port. Recently, I have been required to use the USB port of my board. I have downloaded and successfully installed the FTDI Device Driver but, It will not indentify my BS2px chip. I do get loopback and echo but doesnot show which BS2 chip I am using. Has anybody else had this problem?
··················································································· Thanks Everyone!
································································································· Mark
··············· I have been using my Basic Stamp Professional Development Board w/ the serial port. Recently, I have been required to use the USB port of my board. I have downloaded and successfully installed the FTDI Device Driver but, It will not indentify my BS2px chip. I do get loopback and echo but doesnot show which BS2 chip I am using. Has anybody else had this problem?
··················································································· Thanks Everyone!
································································································· Mark
You don't mention whose USB to serial adapter you are using. Not of them fully implement the handshake lines and those that don't won't work with the Stamp IDE.
Bruce Bates
When all else fails, try inserting a new battery.
Post Edited (MJG2514) : 10/5/2008 9:06:20 AM GMT
The following comes from the Parallax web page which describes the Stamp Professional Development Board:
"A Parallax USB to Serial (RS-232) Adapter and a USB A to mini B Cable is available for those who require a USB connection." Thus, if there is a USB socket on the board it apparently can't be used for programming. Sorry - I don't own one to confirm what I'm suggesting.
Bruce Bates
When all else fails, try inserting a new battery.
I saw this awhile back and just thought that the feature never made it to the production board. I guess at some point it did.
Are we sure we're talking about the same PDB? There is a Stamp PDB and a Propeller PDB.
On Page 2 of the Stamp PDB documentation that I just downloaded this morning, here is how item (s) "D" is/are described: " D) BS1-IC, BS2-224, BS2-40 and Javelin Stamp sockets ". I can't make a USB connector from that description. Additionally the Stamp PDB schematic shows NO USB socket, although I will admit it's not an ordinary schematic, like Parallax usually supplies.
Needless to say I based my earlier answers on the Parallax documentation for the Stamp PDB.
Very strange business, this!
Bruce Bates
When all else fails, try inserting a new battery.
- Stephen
- Rick
The PDF download has changed since I printed mine two months ago. I just looked and the now posted 28138-PDB-v2.0.pdf download is different that the one I have, both text and the drawing.
··The documentation that came with it,·lists the usb connector and shows it on the illustration.
· It works just fine for programming, never any issues, even with the 2px.
· To the original poster, what version of the editor are you using, the 2px only works with the most recent ones.
··· Darlene
First off, I wish to thank everyone who has responded to this post. You all have been very helpful!
Second, I own the Rev. C Board of the PDB. Also, I recently switched over to new 2.4 Basic Stamp Editor. I never really tried with the 2.3.9 Basic Editor Program with USB. I purchased this as part of the StampWorks Development Kit. I have missed place my StampWorks Manual so I am unable to read up on it. I have taken a picture of the USB Port and will try to post it here.
·· Notice: I have found my Stampworks Manual and it does state that USB Connection can be used to program the BS2px. It is not to be used·at the same time as the serial connection.
Post Edited (MJG2514) : 10/6/2008 9:39:26 PM GMT