how to find programs
i installed basic stamp but i dont see programs to start programing my bobot
like hello word or the rest of training exemples that the book is talking about.what folder is in.?
i got a cd and also download the lates files from parallax. i got BS2 chip version the green one.
look under program files/ parallax but they are not there. there is some other ones but nothing to do with
book exemples. i got windowsxp.
like hello word or the rest of training exemples that the book is talking about.what folder is in.?
i got a cd and also download the lates files from parallax. i got BS2 chip version the green one.
look under program files/ parallax but they are not there. there is some other ones but nothing to do with
book exemples. i got windowsxp.
The Boe-Bot Robot Kit is intended for teaching robotics, programming, circuit-building and electronics. It is used by both hobbyists and by many, many schools.
Teachers have found that students learn programming much better when they type in the programs themselves. So, they have asked us not to post the beginning Boe-Bot code as downloads. Because of this, we have never posted the programs in the book as .bs2 files. We only give them to teachers privately, and they are not supposed to redistribute them.
We do post files for some of our more advanced Stamps in Class texts. You can always check our website product pages, any example programs will be posted there.
Thanks much,
Stephanie Lindsay
Technical Editor
Parallax Inc.
There are·some·gifted people out there who can actually learn coding·without doing as much work as I·have to do, but·it's not a common trait.· More often than not, the·kids who peruse the code think they·understand it·until they either get stuck on a project or fail·an exam.· Perhaps jrualj is one of those gifted few, but if not, he's in for a surprise soon enough.· If it comes to pass, I hope he makes the connection between "lack of practice" and "stuck on project".
We provide teachers with the completed code as a diagnostic tool that they can use to rule out coding errors while helping·a student·trouble shoot a given activity.· Most of the teachers I've talked with who use·What's a Microcontroller and Robotics with the Boe-Bot in their·introductory classes agree that hand entering the code helps·beginning students improve their understanding of the underlying syntax and concepts.··So we do not make that code available for download on our web site.·
Andy Lindsay
Education Department
Parallax, Inc.
College students are pretty much of an age to decide for themselves whether or not they want to waste their educational dollars by dodging the learning experience. I'm glad for you that you are not a "dodger"!