Using a bs2 to control a hitachi block camera
Im trying to get the bs2 to send a command to a·hitachi block camera
to get it to zoom. The hitachi block camera specs: 4800bps baud rate, 8 data
bits,1 stop bit,·even parity. The cameras communication data·consists of 8 ascii characters(8bytes)·The command im trying to send to the camera is :WFCBB99. I found the corresponding numbers for each of the ascii characters. When i·DEBUG 58, 87, 70, 67, 66, 66, 57, 57··· in the debug window i see :WFCBB99, which is what i want to send to the camera. But when i SEROUT 1, 8380, [noparse][[/noparse]58, 87, 70, 67, 66, 66, 57, 57] my camera doesnt zoom. I've tried a number of different ways and a number of different baud rates and nothing seems to work.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
SEROUT 1,8380,[noparse][[/noparse]58,87,70,67,66,66,57,57]
to get it to zoom. The hitachi block camera specs: 4800bps baud rate, 8 data
bits,1 stop bit,·even parity. The cameras communication data·consists of 8 ascii characters(8bytes)·The command im trying to send to the camera is :WFCBB99. I found the corresponding numbers for each of the ascii characters. When i·DEBUG 58, 87, 70, 67, 66, 66, 57, 57··· in the debug window i see :WFCBB99, which is what i want to send to the camera. But when i SEROUT 1, 8380, [noparse][[/noparse]58, 87, 70, 67, 66, 66, 57, 57] my camera doesnt zoom. I've tried a number of different ways and a number of different baud rates and nothing seems to work.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
SEROUT 1,8380,[noparse][[/noparse]58,87,70,67,66,66,57,57]
You'll need to provide a manual or some kind of detailed datasheet that describes how to talk to the camera.
By the way, you can also write your statement as: SEROUT 1,8380,[noparse][[/noparse]":WFCBB99"]
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Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering