PSC and the HB-25
Question: does the Parallax Servo Controller (USB) emit a pulse when it's turned on? I'm planning on using it with the HB-25 motor controller, and the datasheet mentions several times to start the HB-25 after the BS2 that the default is hooked up to. So, is it safe since the HB-25 will be connected to the PSC?
Also: any reason why I can't hook the HB-25 to the PSC. Everything looks compatable, but I might have overlooked something.
Also: any reason why I can't hook the HB-25 to the PSC. Everything looks compatable, but I might have overlooked something.
The PSC outputs a 1.5ms pulse on all outputs when powered up. This is by default the center or stopped position and makes it fully compatible with the HB-25. It is recommended that the PSC is powered up before the HB-25. You do not need to supply power to the servo power input terminals on the PSC if you’re only controlling HB-25 motor controllers with it, however, you will if you connect servos to it. I hope this helps. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering