wiring a darlington UNL2803
I am a total newbie at this and would appreciate any help. I have placed my Basic Stamp rev. J P15 to pin 1 on the Darlington and the +out at pin 18.
The 6 volt power supply is + on pin 10 and -at pin 9. I cannot get it to activate a Radio Shack reed 5VDC reed relay.
The relay works well without the Darlington.
The 6 volt power supply is + on pin 10 and -at pin 9. I cannot get it to activate a Radio Shack reed 5VDC reed relay.
The relay works well without the Darlington.
You show your positive supply connected to pin 10, but it also need to connect to one side of the relay coil. Also, your supply for the relay needs to have a common ground with the BASIC Stamp supply (VSS). I can’t tell if you have a + symbol next to OUT1 (pin 18), but that pin will connect to ground when the IN1 pin (from P15) goes high. I hope this helps. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
- Stephen
·· With a Darlington the Relay would not be connected between ground and the output.· A darlington will provide a path to ground, sinking the output when the input (base) is high.· When the input is low the output is open-collector.· The relay would be connected between its positive supply and the output of the darlington.· This way when the darlington is enabled it completes the relay's path to ground.· The Nuts & Volts article below should help.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
The homework & project boards WON'T work since they have inline 220 ohm resistors on all of the i/o pins.
·"If you build it, they will come."
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering